Cluster VO Stats page accessed with the main menu on the top of the page under "Cluster VO stats" - version 2.0
The usage of the WMS instances cluster by VO is reported.
Plots of Job Done, Aborted, Submitted and passed through condor are reported over settable time windows and aggregated on a daily basis.
The VO VIEW tab let the user access to:
- An "overview" section presenting (both in chart and table form) summary data for all VO submitting to the cluster
- A single VO details section, reporting for the chosen VO data about submission activity in chart or table form, and statistics about resource usage RESOURCE USAGE (Compute Element queue usage distributions) or per user submission activity (restricted area)
VOView page accessed with the main menu on the top of the page under "VO VIEW" - version 1.3
In this page we present an aggregated view of daily statistics about all the WMS instances, grouped by VO.
Notice that on the single instance of the WMS we do not differentiate jobs between VO, but we aggregate data from subgroups of WMS instances dedicated to each VO.
WMS instances used by more VOs will go in the "multiVO" subgroup.
Once in the VO Stats page, select your VO from the WMS subgroup filter on the top left and the time window by clicking on calendar button (one for starting date and one for ending date) on the right. If no data are available for the chosen time window and WMS group, a warning message will appear.
In the
charts tag 2 rows of charts are showed, reporting, on a daily base:
- The number of JOBs which reached a final state (Done Success or Aborted) respectively. On the right the total sum of same variables across considered period are reported in a pie chart version showing the distribution across specific WMS instances in the selected WMS subgroup.
- The number of JOBs submitted to the WMS (WMP_in: Number of jobs in input to WMProxy component) and the number of JOBs successfully enqueued to Condor from Job Controller ( we consider these jobs as successfully treated (from a WMS point of view). On the right the total sum of same variables across considered period are reported in a pie chart version showing the distribution across specific WMS instances in the selected WMS subgroup.
Clicking on the
table tag a table will be presented reporting the total sum of following variables:
WMS-Hostname |
Submitted Jobs |
Submitted Collection |
Enqueued to Condor |
Jobs Done |
Jobs Aborted |
The sum are calculated across the selected time window and for each specific WMS
instance in the selected WMS subgroup.
A final super total is also reported.