You are here: TWiki> VOMS Web>CertificationTask26570 (2012-05-04, AndreaCeccanti)

Certification for task 26570

  • Host:
  • Arch: SL5.7 x86_64

Clean installation deployment testing

Download EMI release RPM

[root@emitestbed18 ~]# yum localinstall emi-release-1.0.1-1.sl5.noarch.rpm 
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, kernel-module, priorities, protect-packages, protectbase, security, verify,
              : versionlock
Setting up Local Package Process
Examining emi-release-1.0.1-1.sl5.noarch.rpm: emi-release-1.0.1-1.sl5.noarch
Marking emi-release-1.0.1-1.sl5.noarch.rpm to be installed
176 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
Reading version lock configuration
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package emi-release.noarch 0:1.0.1-1.sl5 set to be updated
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Beginning Kernel Module Plugin
Finished Kernel Module Plugin

Dependencies Resolved

 Package               Arch             Version                Repository                                 Size
 emi-release           noarch           1.0.1-1.sl5            /emi-release-1.0.1-1.sl5.noarch           2.5 k

Transaction Summary
Install       1 Package(s)
Upgrade       0 Package(s)

Total size: 2.5 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Installing     : emi-release                                                                             1/1 

  emi-release.noarch 0:1.0.1-1.sl5                                                                             


Download and install ETICS build repo file

[root@emitestbed18 ~]# wget 
--2012-03-01 10:58:13--
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 7082 (6.9K)
Saving to: `etics-volatile-build-by-id.repo'

100%[=====================================================================>] 7,082       --.-K/s   in 0.01s   

2012-03-01 10:58:14 (655 KB/s) - `etics-volatile-build-by-id.repo' saved [7082/7082]

[root@emitestbed18 ~]# mv etics-volatile-build-by-id.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/
[root@emitestbed18 ~]# yum clean all; yum update
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, kernel-module, priorities, protect-packages, protectbase, security, verify,
              : versionlock
Cleaning up Everything
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, kernel-module, priorities, protect-packages, protectbase, security, verify,
              : versionlock
EGI-trustanchors                                                                        |  951 B     00:00     
EGI-trustanchors/primary                                                                |  31 kB     00:00     
EGI-trustanchors                                                                                       213/213
EMI-1-base                                                                              | 1.9 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-base/primary_db                                                                   | 230 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-third-party                                                                       | 1.9 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-third-party/primary_db                                                            |  74 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-updates                                                                           | 1.9 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-updates/primary_db                                                                | 217 kB     00:00     
ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL         |  764 B     00:00     
ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL/primary | 7.8 kB     00:00     
ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL                          37/37
cnaf-local                                                                              |  951 B     00:00     
cnaf-local/primary                                                                      | 2.8 kB     00:00     
cnaf-local                                                                                               17/17
epel                                                                                    | 3.4 kB     00:00     
epel/primary_db                                                                         | 3.7 MB     00:00     
lemon                                                                                   |  951 B     00:00     
lemon/primary                                                                           | 9.6 kB     00:00     
lemon                                                                                                    39/39
puppetlabs-deps                                                                         | 1.9 kB     00:00     
puppetlabs-deps/primary_db                                                              |  13 kB     00:00     
puppetlabs-products                                                                     | 1.9 kB     00:00     
puppetlabs-products/primary_db                                                          |  23 kB     00:00     
sl-base                                                                                 | 1.1 kB     00:00     
sl-base/primary                                                                         | 1.0 MB     00:01     
sl-base                                                                                              3702/3702
sl-security                                                                             | 1.9 kB     00:00     
sl-security/primary_db                                                                  | 463 kB     00:01     
515 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
Skipping security plugin, no data
Reading version lock configuration
Setting up Update Process
No Packages marked for Update

Give ETICS build repository the right priority

To give the ETICS build repo precedence over the EMI repo, we change the priority and protection settings in the repo file. Edit /etc/yum.repos.d/etics-volatile-build-by-id.repo in this way:

name=ETICS build of emi.voms-task26570 on sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL

VOMS mysql metapackage installation

[root@emitestbed18 ~]# yum install emi-voms-mysql
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, kernel-module, priorities, protect-packages, protectbase, security, verify,
              : versionlock
EGI-trustanchors                                                                        |  951 B     00:00     
EGI-trustanchors/primary                                                                |  31 kB     00:00     
EGI-trustanchors                                                                                       213/213
EMI-1-base                                                                              | 1.9 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-base/primary_db                                                                   | 230 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-third-party                                                                       | 1.9 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-third-party/primary_db                                                            |  74 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-updates                                                                           | 1.9 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-updates/primary_db                                                                | 217 kB     00:00     
ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL         |  764 B     00:00     
ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL/primary | 7.8 kB     00:00     
ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL                          37/37
cnaf-local                                                                              |  951 B     00:00     
cnaf-local/primary                                                                      | 2.8 kB     00:00     
cnaf-local                                                                                               17/17
epel                                                                                    | 3.4 kB     00:00     
epel/primary_db                                                                         | 3.7 MB     00:03     
lemon                                                                                   |  951 B     00:00     
lemon/primary                                                                           | 9.6 kB     00:00     
lemon                                                                                                    39/39
puppetlabs-deps                                                                         | 1.9 kB     00:00     
puppetlabs-deps/primary_db                                                              |  13 kB     00:00     
puppetlabs-products                                                                     | 1.9 kB     00:00     
puppetlabs-products/primary_db                                                          |  23 kB     00:00     
sl-base                                                                                 | 1.1 kB     00:00     
sl-base/primary                                                                         | 1.0 MB     00:01     
sl-base                                                                                              3702/3702
sl-security                                                                             | 1.9 kB     00:00     
sl-security/primary_db                                                                  | 463 kB     00:01     
527 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
Reading version lock configuration
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package emi-voms-mysql.x86_64 0:1.0.0-1.sl5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: voms-admin-client for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: emi-version for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: glite-yaim-bdii for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: voms for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: yaim-voms for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: voms-clients for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: mysql-server for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: bdii for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: fetch-crl for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: voms-admin-server for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: glite-info-provider-service for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: voms-server for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Processing Dependency: voms-mysql for package: emi-voms-mysql
--> Running transaction check
---> Package bdii.noarch 0:5.2.5-3 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: glue-schema >= 2.0.0 for package: bdii
--> Processing Dependency: openldap-servers for package: bdii
--> Processing Dependency: openldap-clients for package: bdii
--> Processing Dependency: expect for package: bdii
---> Package emi-version.x86_64 0:1.8.0-1.sl5 set to be updated
---> Package fetch-crl.noarch 0:2.8.5-1.el5 set to be updated
---> Package glite-info-provider-service.noarch 0:1.8.1-2 set to be updated
---> Package glite-yaim-bdii.noarch 0:4.3.8-1 set to be updated
---> Package mysql-server.x86_64 0:5.0.95-1.el5_7.1 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: perl-DBD-MySQL for package: mysql-server
---> Package voms.x86_64 0:2.0.7-1.el5 set to be updated
---> Package voms-admin-client.x86_64 0:2.0.16-1.sl5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: python-ZSI for package: voms-admin-client
--> Processing Dependency: java for package: voms-admin-client
--> Processing Dependency: PyXML for package: voms-admin-client
---> Package voms-admin-server.x86_64 0:2.6.1-1.sl5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5 for package: voms-admin-server
--> Processing Dependency: emi-trustmanager-tomcat for package: voms-admin-server
---> Package voms-clients.x86_64 0:2.0.7-1.el5 set to be updated
---> Package voms-mysql.x86_64 0:3.1.5-1.sl5 set to be updated
---> Package voms-server.x86_64 0:2.0.7-1.el5 set to be updated
---> Package yaim-voms.noarch 0:1.1.0-1.el5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: glite-yaim-core for package: yaim-voms
--> Running transaction check
---> Package PyXML.x86_64 0:0.8.4-4.el5_4.2 set to be updated
---> Package emi-trustmanager-tomcat.noarch 0:3.0.0-1.sl5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: emi-trustmanager for package: emi-trustmanager-tomcat
--> Processing Dependency: bouncycastle for package: emi-trustmanager-tomcat
--> Processing Dependency: log4j for package: emi-trustmanager-tomcat
---> Package expect.x86_64 0:5.43.0-5.1 set to be updated
---> Package glite-yaim-core.noarch 0:5.0.2-1.sl5 set to be updated
---> Package glue-schema.noarch 0:2.0.8-1.el5 set to be updated
---> Package java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 1: set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: libjpeg = 6b for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: jpackage-utils >= 1.7.3-1jpp.2 for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: tzdata-java for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
--> Processing Dependency: for package: java-1.6.0-openjdk
---> Package openldap-clients.x86_64 0:2.3.43-12.el5_6.7 set to be updated
---> Package openldap-servers.x86_64 0:2.3.43-12.el5_6.7 set to be updated
EGI-trustanchors/filelists                                                              |  15 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-base/filelists_db                                                                 | 180 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-third-party/filelists_db                                                          |  86 kB     00:00     
EMI-1-updates/filelists_db                                                              | 128 kB     00:00     
ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL/filelis | 8.1 kB     00:00     
cnaf-local/filelists                                                                    | 1.1 kB     00:00     
epel/filelists_db                                                                       | 5.4 MB     00:04     
lemon/filelists                                                                         |  10 kB     00:00     
puppetlabs-deps/filelists_db                                                            |  26 kB     00:00     
puppetlabs-products/filelists_db                                                        |  73 kB     00:00     
sl-base/filelists                                                                       | 3.3 MB     00:02     
sl-security/filelists_db                                                                | 1.9 MB     00:02     
--> Processing Dependency: for package: openldap-servers
---> Package perl-DBD-MySQL.x86_64 0:3.0007-2.el5 set to be updated
---> Package python-ZSI.noarch 0:2.0-7.el5 set to be updated
---> Package tomcat5.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5-common-lib = 5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 for package: tomcat5
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5-server-lib = 5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 for package: tomcat5
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5-server-lib = 5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 for package: tomcat5
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5-common-lib = 5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 for package: tomcat5
--> Processing Dependency: xerces-j2 >= 2.7.1 for package: tomcat5
--> Processing Dependency: java-gcj-compat >= 1.0.31 for package: tomcat5
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-daemon >= 1.0.1 for package: tomcat5
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-launcher >= 0.9 for package: tomcat5
--> Processing Dependency: xml-commons-apis >= 1.3 for package: tomcat5
--> Processing Dependency: for package: tomcat5
--> Running transaction check
---> Package alsa-lib.x86_64 0:1.0.17-1.el5 set to be updated
---> Package bouncycastle.x86_64 0:1.45-6.el5 set to be updated
---> Package emi-trustmanager.noarch 0:3.0.5-1.sl5 set to be updated
---> Package freetype.x86_64 0:2.2.1-28.el5_7.2 set to be updated
---> Package giflib.x86_64 0:4.1.3-7.3.3.el5 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-daemon.x86_64 1:1.0.1-6jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-launcher.x86_64 0:0.9-6jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package java-1.4.2-gcj-compat.x86_64 0: set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: zip for package: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat
--> Processing Dependency: gjdoc for package: java-1.4.2-gcj-compat
---> Package jdk.x86_64 2000:1.6.0_31-fcs set to be updated
---> Package jpackage-utils.noarch 0:1.7.3-1jpp.2.el5 set to be updated
---> Package libXi.x86_64 0:1.0.1-4.el5_4 set to be updated
---> Package libXrender.x86_64 0:0.9.1-3.1 set to be updated
---> Package libXtst.x86_64 0:1.0.1-3.1 set to be updated
---> Package libgcj.x86_64 0:4.1.2-51.el5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: libart_lgpl >= 2.1.0 for package: libgcj
--> Processing Dependency: gtk2 >= 2.4.0 for package: libgcj
--> Processing Dependency: for package: libgcj
--> Processing Dependency: for package: libgcj
--> Processing Dependency: for package: libgcj
--> Processing Dependency: for package: libgcj
--> Processing Dependency: for package: libgcj
--> Processing Dependency: for package: libgcj
--> Processing Dependency: for package: libgcj
--> Processing Dependency: for package: libgcj
--> Processing Dependency: for package: libgcj
---> Package libjpeg.x86_64 0:6b-37 set to be updated
---> Package libpng.x86_64 2:1.2.10-15.el5_7 set to be updated
---> Package libtool-ltdl.x86_64 0:1.5.22-7.el5_4 set to be updated
---> Package log4j.x86_64 0:1.2.13-3jpp.2 set to be updated
---> Package tomcat5-common-lib.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5-jasper = 5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api = 5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api = 5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api = 5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api = 5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: tomcat5-jasper = 5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-dbcp >= 1.2.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jaf >= 1.0.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: javamail >= 1.3.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jta >= 1.0.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: eclipse-ecj >= 3.1.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-logging >= 1.0.4 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-collections >= 3.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: javamail >= 1.3.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: ant >= 1.6 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jta >= 1.0.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: mx4j >= 3.0.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-el >= 1.0 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-pool >= 1.2 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-logging >= 1.0.4 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-dbcp >= 1.2.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-collections >= 3.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jaf >= 1.0.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: ant >= 1.6 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: mx4j >= 3.0.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-el >= 1.0 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: eclipse-ecj >= 3.1.1 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-pool >= 1.2 for package: tomcat5-common-lib
---> Package tomcat5-server-lib.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-digester >= 1.6 for package: tomcat5-server-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-beanutils >= 1.7.0 for package: tomcat5-server-lib
--> Processing Dependency: regexp >= 1.3 for package: tomcat5-server-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-modeler >= 1.1-8jpp.1.0.1 for package: tomcat5-server-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-fileupload >= 1.0-1jpp for package: tomcat5-server-lib
--> Processing Dependency: regexp >= 1.3 for package: tomcat5-server-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-digester >= 1.6 for package: tomcat5-server-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-beanutils >= 1.7.0 for package: tomcat5-server-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-modeler >= 1.1-8jpp.1.0.1 for package: tomcat5-server-lib
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-fileupload >= 1.0-1jpp for package: tomcat5-server-lib
---> Package tzdata-java.x86_64 0:2011l-4.el5 set to be updated
---> Package xerces-j2.x86_64 0:2.7.1-7jpp.2.el5_4.2 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: xml-commons-resolver >= 1.1 for package: xerces-j2
--> Running transaction check
---> Package ant.x86_64 0:1.6.5-2jpp.2 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: java-devel for package: ant
---> Package atk.x86_64 0:1.12.2-1.fc6 set to be updated
---> Package cairo.x86_64 0:1.2.4-5.el5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: for package: cairo
---> Package classpathx-jaf.x86_64 0:1.0-9jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package classpathx-mail.x86_64 0:1.1.1-4jpp.2 set to be updated
---> Package eclipse-ecj.x86_64 1:3.2.1-19.el5 set to be updated
---> Package geronimo-specs-compat.x86_64 0:1.0-0.M2.2jpp.12 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: geronimo-specs = 1.0-0.M2.2jpp.12 for package: geronimo-specs-compat
---> Package gjdoc.x86_64 0:0.7.7-12.el5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: antlr for package: gjdoc
---> Package gtk2.x86_64 0:2.10.4-21.el5_5.6 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: libtiff >= 3.6.1 for package: gtk2
--> Processing Dependency: hicolor-icon-theme for package: gtk2
--> Processing Dependency: for package: gtk2
--> Processing Dependency: for package: gtk2
--> Processing Dependency: for package: gtk2
--> Processing Dependency: for package: gtk2
--> Processing Dependency: for package: gtk2
---> Package jakarta-commons-beanutils.x86_64 0:1.7.0-5jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-collections.x86_64 0:3.2-2jpp.3 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-dbcp.x86_64 0:1.2.1-7jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-digester.x86_64 0:1.7-5jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-el.x86_64 0:1.0-7jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-fileupload.x86_64 1:1.0-6jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-logging.x86_64 0:1.0.4-6jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-modeler.x86_64 0:1.1-8jpp.3.el5 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: jaxp_transform_impl for package: jakarta-commons-modeler
---> Package jakarta-commons-pool.x86_64 0:1.3-5jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package libXrandr.x86_64 0:1.1.1-3.3 set to be updated
---> Package libart_lgpl.x86_64 0:2.3.17-4 set to be updated
---> Package mx4j.x86_64 1:3.0.1-6jpp.4 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: axis >= 1.1 for package: mx4j
--> Processing Dependency: bcel >= 5.0 for package: mx4j
--> Processing Dependency: xml-commons for package: mx4j
---> Package pango.x86_64 0:1.14.9-8.el5_7.3 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: bitstream-vera-fonts for package: pango
--> Processing Dependency: libXft for package: pango
--> Processing Dependency: for package: pango
---> Package regexp.x86_64 0:1.4-2jpp.2 set to be updated
---> Package tomcat5-jasper.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 set to be updated
---> Package tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 set to be updated
---> Package tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7 set to be updated
---> Package xml-commons-resolver.x86_64 0:1.1-1jpp.12 set to be updated
---> Package zip.x86_64 0:2.31-2.el5 set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
---> Package antlr.x86_64 0:2.7.6-4jpp.2 set to be updated
---> Package axis.x86_64 0:1.2.1-2jpp.6 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-discovery for package: axis
--> Processing Dependency: jakarta-commons-httpclient for package: axis
--> Processing Dependency: wsdl4j for package: axis
---> Package bcel.x86_64 0:5.1-8jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package bitstream-vera-fonts.noarch 0:1.10-7 set to be updated
---> Package cups-libs.x86_64 1:1.3.7-26.el5_6.1 set to be updated
--> Processing Dependency: for package: cups-libs
--> Processing Dependency: for package: cups-libs
---> Package fontconfig.x86_64 0:2.4.1-7.el5 set to be updated
---> Package geronimo-specs.x86_64 0:1.0-0.M2.2jpp.12 set to be updated
---> Package hicolor-icon-theme.noarch 0:0.9-2.1 set to be updated
---> Package java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64 1: set to be updated
---> Package libXcursor.x86_64 0:1.1.7-1.1 set to be updated
---> Package libXfixes.x86_64 0:4.0.1-2.1 set to be updated
---> Package libXft.x86_64 0:2.1.10-1.1 set to be updated
---> Package libXinerama.x86_64 0:1.0.1-2.1 set to be updated
---> Package libtiff.x86_64 0:3.8.2-7.el5_6.7 set to be updated
---> Package xalan-j2.x86_64 0:2.7.0-6jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package xml-commons.x86_64 0:1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp.10 set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
---> Package gnutls.x86_64 0:1.4.1-3.el5_4.8 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-discovery.x86_64 1:0.3-4jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package jakarta-commons-httpclient.x86_64 1:3.0-7jpp.1 set to be updated
---> Package wsdl4j.x86_64 0:1.5.2-4jpp.1 set to be updated
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Beginning Kernel Module Plugin
Finished Kernel Module Plugin

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                           Arch         Version                              Repository           Size
 emi-voms-mysql                    x86_64       1.0.0-1.sl5                          ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                         1.6 k
Installing for dependencies:
 PyXML                             x86_64       0.8.4-4.el5_4.2                      sl-base             1.0 M
 alsa-lib                          x86_64       1.0.17-1.el5                         sl-base             414 k
 ant                               x86_64       1.6.5-2jpp.2                         sl-base             2.3 M
 antlr                             x86_64       2.7.6-4jpp.2                         sl-base             1.1 M
 atk                               x86_64       1.12.2-1.fc6                         sl-base             224 k
 axis                              x86_64       1.2.1-2jpp.6                         sl-base             3.6 M
 bcel                              x86_64       5.1-8jpp.1                           sl-base             1.1 M
 bdii                              noarch       5.2.5-3                              ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                          21 k
 bitstream-vera-fonts              noarch       1.10-7                               sl-base             344 k
 bouncycastle                      x86_64       1.45-6.el5                           epel                4.0 M
 cairo                             x86_64       1.2.4-5.el5                          sl-base             386 k
 classpathx-jaf                    x86_64       1.0-9jpp.1                           sl-base             111 k
 classpathx-mail                   x86_64       1.1.1-4jpp.2                         sl-base             1.2 M
 cups-libs                         x86_64       1:1.3.7-26.el5_6.1                   sl-base             195 k
 eclipse-ecj                       x86_64       1:3.2.1-19.el5                       sl-base             9.0 M
 emi-trustmanager                  noarch       3.0.5-1.sl5                          EMI-1-updates       276 k
 emi-trustmanager-tomcat           noarch       3.0.0-1.sl5                          EMI-1-base           30 k
 emi-version                       x86_64       1.8.0-1.sl5                          ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                         1.9 k
 expect                            x86_64       5.43.0-5.1                           sl-base             160 k
 fetch-crl                         noarch       2.8.5-1.el5                          epel                 24 k
 fontconfig                        x86_64       2.4.1-7.el5                          sl-base             175 k
 freetype                          x86_64       2.2.1-28.el5_7.2                     sl-security         311 k
 geronimo-specs                    x86_64       1.0-0.M2.2jpp.12                     sl-base             258 k
 geronimo-specs-compat             x86_64       1.0-0.M2.2jpp.12                     sl-base             5.4 k
 giflib                            x86_64       4.1.3-7.3.3.el5                      sl-base              39 k
 gjdoc                             x86_64       0.7.7-12.el5                         sl-base             885 k
 glite-info-provider-service       noarch       1.8.1-2                              ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                          61 k
 glite-yaim-bdii                   noarch       4.3.8-1                              ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                          10 k
 glite-yaim-core                   noarch       5.0.2-1.sl5                          EMI-1-updates       116 k
 glue-schema                       noarch       2.0.8-1.el5                          EMI-1-updates        33 k
 gnutls                            x86_64       1.4.1-3.el5_4.8                      sl-base             364 k
 gtk2                              x86_64       2.10.4-21.el5_5.6                    sl-base             6.6 M
 hicolor-icon-theme                noarch       0.9-2.1                              sl-base              25 k
 jakarta-commons-beanutils         x86_64       1.7.0-5jpp.1                         sl-base             567 k
 jakarta-commons-collections       x86_64       3.2-2jpp.3                           sl-base             1.2 M
 jakarta-commons-daemon            x86_64       1:1.0.1-6jpp.1                       sl-base              46 k
 jakarta-commons-dbcp              x86_64       1.2.1-7jpp.1                         sl-base             278 k
 jakarta-commons-digester          x86_64       1.7-5jpp.1                           sl-base             349 k
 jakarta-commons-discovery         x86_64       1:0.3-4jpp.1                         sl-base             150 k
 jakarta-commons-el                x86_64       1.0-7jpp.1                           sl-base             269 k
 jakarta-commons-fileupload        x86_64       1:1.0-6jpp.1                         sl-base              53 k
 jakarta-commons-httpclient        x86_64       1:3.0-7jpp.1                         sl-base             595 k
 jakarta-commons-launcher          x86_64       0.9-6jpp.1                           sl-base              97 k
 jakarta-commons-logging           x86_64       1.0.4-6jpp.1                         sl-base             115 k
 jakarta-commons-modeler           x86_64       1.1-8jpp.3.el5                       sl-base             259 k
 jakarta-commons-pool              x86_64       1.3-5jpp.1                           sl-base             142 k
 java-1.4.2-gcj-compat             x86_64                    sl-base              29 k
 java-1.6.0-openjdk                x86_64       1:          sl-security          36 M
 java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel          x86_64       1:          sl-security          12 M
 jdk                               x86_64       2000:1.6.0_31-fcs                    sl-security          68 M
 jpackage-utils                    noarch       1.7.3-1jpp.2.el5                     sl-base              61 k
 libXcursor                        x86_64       1.1.7-1.1                            sl-base              32 k
 libXfixes                         x86_64       4.0.1-2.1                            sl-base              15 k
 libXft                            x86_64       2.1.10-1.1                           sl-base              44 k
 libXi                             x86_64       1.0.1-4.el5_4                        sl-base              26 k
 libXinerama                       x86_64       1.0.1-2.1                            sl-base             9.8 k
 libXrandr                         x86_64       1.1.1-3.3                            sl-base              15 k
 libXrender                        x86_64       0.9.1-3.1                            sl-base              28 k
 libXtst                           x86_64       1.0.1-3.1                            sl-base              16 k
 libart_lgpl                       x86_64       2.3.17-4                             sl-base              75 k
 libgcj                            x86_64       4.1.2-51.el5                         sl-base              18 M
 libjpeg                           x86_64       6b-37                                sl-base             139 k
 libpng                            x86_64       2:1.2.10-15.el5_7                    sl-security         235 k
 libtiff                           x86_64       3.8.2-7.el5_6.7                      sl-base             313 k
 libtool-ltdl                      x86_64       1.5.22-7.el5_4                       sl-base              38 k
 log4j                             x86_64       1.2.13-3jpp.2                        sl-base             729 k
 mx4j                              x86_64       1:3.0.1-6jpp.4                       sl-base             2.7 M
 mysql-server                      x86_64       5.0.95-1.el5_7.1                     sl-security         9.9 M
 openldap-clients                  x86_64       2.3.43-12.el5_6.7                    sl-base             223 k
 openldap-servers                  x86_64       2.3.43-12.el5_6.7                    sl-base             2.2 M
 pango                             x86_64       1.14.9-8.el5_7.3                     sl-security         338 k
 perl-DBD-MySQL                    x86_64       3.0007-2.el5                         sl-base             147 k
 python-ZSI                        noarch       2.0-7.el5                            epel                574 k
 regexp                            x86_64       1.4-2jpp.2                           sl-base             102 k
 tomcat5                           x86_64       5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                 sl-security         362 k
 tomcat5-common-lib                x86_64       5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                 sl-security         225 k
 tomcat5-jasper                    x86_64       5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                 sl-security         1.1 M
 tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api               x86_64       5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                 sl-security         103 k
 tomcat5-server-lib                x86_64       5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                 sl-security         4.1 M
 tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api           x86_64       5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                 sl-security         163 k
 tzdata-java                       x86_64       2011l-4.el5                          sl-security         180 k
 voms                              x86_64       2.0.7-1.el5                          ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                         163 k
 voms-admin-client                 x86_64       2.0.16-1.sl5                         ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                          78 k
 voms-admin-server                 x86_64       2.6.1-1.sl5                          ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                          61 M
 voms-clients                      x86_64       2.0.7-1.el5                          ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                         171 k
 voms-mysql                        x86_64       3.1.5-1.sl5                          ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                          46 k
 voms-server                       x86_64       2.0.7-1.el5                          ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                         196 k
 wsdl4j                            x86_64       1.5.2-4jpp.1                         sl-base             428 k
 xalan-j2                          x86_64       2.7.0-6jpp.1                         sl-base             4.6 M
 xerces-j2                         x86_64       2.7.1-7jpp.2.el5_4.2                 sl-base             3.1 M
 xml-commons                       x86_64       1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp.10                  sl-base              19 k
 xml-commons-resolver              x86_64       1.1-1jpp.12                          sl-base             170 k
 yaim-voms                         noarch       1.1.0-1.el5                          ETICS-volatile-build-f72aaf56-c06a-4063-ac3d-c187d18a127a-sl5_x86_64_gcc412EPEL
                                                                                                          23 k
 zip                               x86_64       2.31-2.el5                           sl-base             135 k

Transaction Summary
Install      95 Package(s)
Upgrade       0 Package(s)

Total download size: 266 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
(1/95): emi-voms-mysql-1.0.0-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm                                           | 1.6 kB     00:00     
(2/95): emi-version-1.8.0-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm                                              | 1.9 kB     00:00     
(3/95): geronimo-specs-compat-1.0-0.M2.2jpp.12.x86_64.rpm                               | 5.4 kB     00:00     
(4/95): libXinerama-1.0.1-2.1.x86_64.rpm                                                | 9.8 kB     00:00     
(5/95): glite-yaim-bdii-4.3.8-1.noarch.rpm                                              |  10 kB     00:00     
(6/95): libXfixes-4.0.1-2.1.x86_64.rpm                                                  |  15 kB     00:00     
(7/95): libXrandr-1.1.1-3.3.x86_64.rpm                                                  |  15 kB     00:00     
(8/95): libXtst-1.0.1-3.1.x86_64.rpm                                                    |  16 kB     00:00     
(9/95): xml-commons-1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp.10.x86_64.rpm                                      |  19 kB     00:00     
(10/95): bdii-5.2.5-3.noarch.rpm                                                        |  21 kB     00:00     
(11/95): yaim-voms-1.1.0-1.el5.noarch.rpm                                               |  23 kB     00:00     
(12/95): fetch-crl-2.8.5-1.el5.noarch.rpm                                               |  24 kB     00:00     
(13/95): hicolor-icon-theme-0.9-2.1.noarch.rpm                                          |  25 kB     00:00     
(14/95): libXi-1.0.1-4.el5_4.x86_64.rpm                                                 |  26 kB     00:00     
(15/95): libXrender-0.9.1-3.1.x86_64.rpm                                                |  28 kB     00:00     
(16/95): java-1.4.2-gcj-compat-                             |  29 kB     00:00     
(17/95): emi-trustmanager-tomcat-3.0.0-1.sl5.noarch.rpm                                 |  30 kB     00:00     
(18/95): libXcursor-1.1.7-1.1.x86_64.rpm                                                |  32 kB     00:00     
(19/95): glue-schema-2.0.8-1.el5.noarch.rpm                                             |  33 kB     00:00     
(20/95): libtool-ltdl-1.5.22-7.el5_4.x86_64.rpm                                         |  38 kB     00:00     
(21/95): giflib-4.1.3-7.3.3.el5.x86_64.rpm                                              |  39 kB     00:00     
(22/95): libXft-2.1.10-1.1.x86_64.rpm                                                   |  44 kB     00:00     
(23/95): jakarta-commons-daemon-1.0.1-6jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                 |  46 kB     00:00     
(24/95): voms-mysql-3.1.5-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm                                              |  46 kB     00:00     
(25/95): jakarta-commons-fileupload-1.0-6jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                               |  53 kB     00:00     
(26/95): jpackage-utils-1.7.3-1jpp.2.el5.noarch.rpm                                     |  61 kB     00:00     
(27/95): glite-info-provider-service-1.8.1-2.noarch.rpm                                 |  61 kB     00:00     
(28/95): libart_lgpl-2.3.17-4.x86_64.rpm                                                |  75 kB     00:00     
(29/95): voms-admin-client-2.0.16-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm                                      |  78 kB     00:00     
(30/95): jakarta-commons-launcher-0.9-6jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                 |  97 kB     00:00     
(31/95): regexp-1.4-2jpp.2.x86_64.rpm                                                   | 102 kB     00:00     
(32/95): tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api-5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7.x86_64.rpm                            | 103 kB     00:00     
(33/95): classpathx-jaf-1.0-9jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                           | 111 kB     00:00     
(34/95): jakarta-commons-logging-1.0.4-6jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                | 115 kB     00:00     
(35/95): glite-yaim-core-5.0.2-1.sl5.noarch.rpm                                         | 116 kB     00:00     
(36/95): zip-2.31-2.el5.x86_64.rpm                                                      | 135 kB     00:00     
(37/95): libjpeg-6b-37.x86_64.rpm                                                       | 139 kB     00:00     
(38/95): jakarta-commons-pool-1.3-5jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                     | 142 kB     00:00     
(39/95): perl-DBD-MySQL-3.0007-2.el5.x86_64.rpm                                         | 147 kB     00:00     
(40/95): jakarta-commons-discovery-0.3-4jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                | 150 kB     00:00     
(41/95): expect-5.43.0-5.1.x86_64.rpm                                                   | 160 kB     00:00     
(42/95): voms-2.0.7-1.el5.x86_64.rpm                                                    | 163 kB     00:00     
(43/95): tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api-5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7.x86_64.rpm                        | 163 kB     00:00     
(44/95): xml-commons-resolver-1.1-1jpp.12.x86_64.rpm                                    | 170 kB     00:00     
(45/95): voms-clients-2.0.7-1.el5.x86_64.rpm                                            | 171 kB     00:00     
(46/95): fontconfig-2.4.1-7.el5.x86_64.rpm                                              | 175 kB     00:00     
(47/95): tzdata-java-2011l-4.el5.x86_64.rpm                                             | 180 kB     00:00     
(48/95): cups-libs-1.3.7-26.el5_6.1.x86_64.rpm                                          | 195 kB     00:00     
(49/95): voms-server-2.0.7-1.el5.x86_64.rpm                                             | 196 kB     00:00     
(50/95): openldap-clients-2.3.43-12.el5_6.7.x86_64.rpm                                  | 223 kB     00:00     
(51/95): atk-1.12.2-1.fc6.x86_64.rpm                                                    | 224 kB     00:00     
(52/95): tomcat5-common-lib-5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7.x86_64.rpm                             | 225 kB     00:00     
(53/95): libpng-1.2.10-15.el5_7.x86_64.rpm                                              | 235 kB     00:00     
(54/95): geronimo-specs-1.0-0.M2.2jpp.12.x86_64.rpm                                     | 258 kB     00:00     
(55/95): jakarta-commons-modeler-1.1-8jpp.3.el5.x86_64.rpm                              | 259 kB     00:00     
(56/95): jakarta-commons-el-1.0-7jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                       | 269 kB     00:00     
(57/95): emi-trustmanager-3.0.5-1.sl5.noarch.rpm                                        | 276 kB     00:00     
(58/95): jakarta-commons-dbcp-1.2.1-7jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                   | 278 kB     00:00     
(59/95): freetype-2.2.1-28.el5_7.2.x86_64.rpm                                           | 311 kB     00:00     
(60/95): libtiff-3.8.2-7.el5_6.7.x86_64.rpm                                             | 313 kB     00:00     
(61/95): pango-1.14.9-8.el5_7.3.x86_64.rpm                                              | 338 kB     00:00     
(62/95): bitstream-vera-fonts-1.10-7.noarch.rpm                                         | 344 kB     00:00     
(63/95): jakarta-commons-digester-1.7-5jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                 | 349 kB     00:00     
(64/95): tomcat5-5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7.x86_64.rpm                                        | 362 kB     00:00     
(65/95): gnutls-1.4.1-3.el5_4.8.x86_64.rpm                                              | 364 kB     00:00     
(66/95): cairo-1.2.4-5.el5.x86_64.rpm                                                   | 386 kB     00:00     
(67/95): alsa-lib-1.0.17-1.el5.x86_64.rpm                                               | 414 kB     00:00     
(68/95): wsdl4j-1.5.2-4jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                                 | 428 kB     00:00     
(69/95): jakarta-commons-beanutils-1.7.0-5jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                              | 567 kB     00:02     
(70/95): python-ZSI-2.0-7.el5.noarch.rpm                                                | 574 kB     00:00     
(71/95): jakarta-commons-httpclient-3.0-7jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                               | 595 kB     00:01     
(72/95): log4j-1.2.13-3jpp.2.x86_64.rpm                                                 | 729 kB     00:01     
(73/95): gjdoc-0.7.7-12.el5.x86_64.rpm                                                  | 885 kB     00:01     
(74/95): PyXML-0.8.4-4.el5_4.2.x86_64.rpm                                               | 1.0 MB     00:02     
(75/95): tomcat5-jasper-5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7.x86_64.rpm                                 | 1.1 MB     00:01     
(76/95): antlr-2.7.6-4jpp.2.x86_64.rpm                                                  | 1.1 MB     00:01     
(77/95): bcel-5.1-8jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                                     | 1.1 MB     00:01     
(78/95): jakarta-commons-collections-3.2-2jpp.3.x86_64.rpm                              | 1.2 MB     00:01     
(79/95): classpathx-mail-1.1.1-4jpp.2.x86_64.rpm                                        | 1.2 MB     00:01     
(80/95): openldap-servers-2.3.43-12.el5_6.7.x86_64.rpm                                  | 2.2 MB     00:01     
(81/95): ant-1.6.5-2jpp.2.x86_64.rpm                                                    | 2.3 MB     00:01     
(82/95): mx4j-3.0.1-6jpp.4.x86_64.rpm                                                   | 2.7 MB     00:01     
(83/95): xerces-j2-2.7.1-7jpp.2.el5_4.2.x86_64.rpm                                      | 3.1 MB     00:01     
(84/95): axis-1.2.1-2jpp.6.x86_64.rpm                                                   | 3.6 MB     00:01     
(85/95): bouncycastle-1.45-6.el5.x86_64.rpm                                             | 4.0 MB     00:01     
(86/95): tomcat5-server-lib-5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7.x86_64.rpm                             | 4.1 MB     00:03     
(87/95): xalan-j2-2.7.0-6jpp.1.x86_64.rpm                                               | 4.6 MB     00:03     
(88/95): gtk2-2.10.4-21.el5_5.6.x86_64.rpm                                              | 6.6 MB     00:03     
(89/95): eclipse-ecj-3.2.1-19.el5.x86_64.rpm                                            | 9.0 MB     00:04     
(90/95): mysql-server-5.0.95-1.el5_7.1.x86_64.rpm                                       | 9.9 MB     00:05     
(91/95): java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel-                  |  12 MB     00:04     
(92/95): libgcj-4.1.2-51.el5.x86_64.rpm                                                 |  18 MB     00:04     
(93/95): java-1.6.0-openjdk-                        |  36 MB     00:10     
(94/95): voms-admin-server-2.6.1-1.sl5.x86_64.rpm                                       |  61 MB     00:18     
(95/95): jdk-1.6.0_31-fcs.x86_64.rpm                                                    |  68 MB     00:21     
Total                                                                          2.1 MB/s | 266 MB     02:08     
warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID df9e12ef
EMI-1-base/gpgkey                                                                       | 1.7 kB     00:00     
Importing GPG key 0xDF9E12EF "Doina Cristina Aiftimiei (EMI Release Manager) <>" from /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-emi
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Installing     : libXrender                                                                             1/95 
  Installing     : freetype                                                                               2/95 
  Installing     : fontconfig                                                                             3/95 
  Installing     : libpng                                                                                 4/95 
  Installing     : libjpeg                                                                                5/95 
  Installing     : cairo                                                                                  6/95 
  Installing     : voms                                                                                   7/95 
  Installing     : libtiff                                                                                8/95 
  Installing     : libXrandr                                                                              9/95 
  Installing     : atk                                                                                   10/95 
  Installing     : alsa-lib                                                                              11/95 
  Installing     : libXtst                                                                               12/95 
  Installing     : PyXML                                                                                 13/95 
  Installing     : libXi                                                                                 14/95 
  Installing     : zip                                                                                   15/95 
  Installing     : libXfixes                                                                             16/95 
  Installing     : libXcursor                                                                            17/95 
  Installing     : voms-server                                                                           18/95 
  Installing     : voms-clients                                                                          19/95 
  Installing     : libXft                                                                                20/95 
  Installing     : expect                                                                                21/95 
  Installing     : voms-mysql                                                                            22/95 
  Installing     : openldap-clients                                                                      23/95 
  Installing     : gnutls                                                                                24/95 
  Installing     : cups-libs                                                                             25/95 
  Installing     : libtool-ltdl                                                                          26/95 
  Installing     : openldap-servers                                                                      27/95 
  Installing     : libart_lgpl                                                                           28/95 
  Installing     : perl-DBD-MySQL                                                                        29/95 
  Installing     : mysql-server                                                                          30/95 
  Installing     : giflib                                                                                31/95 
  Installing     : libXinerama                                                                           32/95 
  Installing     : jpackage-utils                                                                        33/95 
  Installing     : jdk                                                                                   34/95 
Unpacking JAR files...
  Installing     : xml-commons                                                                                                          35/95 
  Installing     : python-ZSI                                                                                                           36/95 
  Installing     : bitstream-vera-fonts                                                                                                 37/95 
  Installing     : pango                                                                                                                38/95 
  Installing     : glite-info-provider-service                                                                                          39/95 
  Installing     : emi-trustmanager                                                                                                     40/95 
  Installing     : glite-yaim-bdii                                                                                                      41/95 
  Installing     : tzdata-java                                                                                                          42/95 
  Installing     : java-1.6.0-openjdk                                                                                                   43/95 
  Installing     : java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel                                                                                             44/95 
  Installing     : voms-admin-client                                                                                                    45/95 
  Installing     : glue-schema                                                                                                          46/95 
  Installing     : bdii                                                                                                                 47/95 
  Installing     : hicolor-icon-theme                                                                                                   48/95 
  Installing     : gtk2                                                                                                                 49/95 
  Installing     : libgcj                                                                                                               50/95 
  Installing     : glite-yaim-core                                                                                                      51/95 
  Installing     : yaim-voms                                                                                                            52/95 
  Installing     : emi-version                                                                                                          53/95 
  Installing     : fetch-crl                                                                                                            54/95 
  Installing     : java-1.4.2-gcj-compat                                                                                                55/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-logging                                                                                              56/95 
  Installing     : tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api                                                                                              57/95 
  Installing     : classpathx-jaf                                                                                                       58/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-collections                                                                                          59/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-beanutils                                                                                            60/95 
  Installing     : classpathx-mail                                                                                                      61/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-digester                                                                                             62/95 
  Installing     : tomcat5-jasper                                                                                                       63/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-pool                                                                                                 64/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-el                                                                                                   65/95 
  Installing     : regexp                                                                                                               66/95 
  Installing     : bcel                                                                                                                 67/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-dbcp                                                                                                 68/95 
  Installing     : tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api                                                                                                  69/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-fileupload                                                                                           70/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-httpclient                                                                                           71/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-discovery                                                                                            72/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-launcher                                                                                             73/95 
  Installing     : gjdoc                                                                                                                74/95 
  Installing     : bouncycastle                                                                                                         75/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-daemon                                                                                               76/95 
  Installing     : eclipse-ecj                                                                                                          77/95 
  Installing     : antlr                                                                                                                78/95 
  Installing     : xerces-j2                                                                                                            79/95 
  Installing     : log4j                                                                                                                80/95 
  Installing     : xml-commons-resolver                                                                                                 81/95 
  Installing     : xalan-j2                                                                                                             82/95 
  Installing     : ant                                                                                                                  83/95 
  Installing     : wsdl4j                                                                                                               84/95 
  Installing     : axis                                                                                                                 85/95 
  Installing     : mx4j                                                                                                                 86/95 
  Installing     : geronimo-specs                                                                                                       87/95 
  Installing     : jakarta-commons-modeler                                                                                              88/95 
  Installing     : tomcat5-server-lib                                                                                                   89/95 
  Installing     : geronimo-specs-compat                                                                                                90/95 
  Installing     : tomcat5-common-lib                                                                                                   91/95 
  Installing     : tomcat5                                                                                                              92/95 
/usr/bin/build-jar-repository: error: Could not find xml-commons-apis Java extension for this JVM
/usr/bin/build-jar-repository: error: Some specified jars were not found for this jvm
  Installing     : emi-trustmanager-tomcat                                                                                              93/95 
  Installing     : voms-admin-server                                                                                                    94/95 
  Installing     : emi-voms-mysql                                                                                                       95/95 

  emi-voms-mysql.x86_64 0:1.0.0-1.sl5                                                                                                         

Dependency Installed:
  PyXML.x86_64 0:0.8.4-4.el5_4.2                                           alsa-lib.x86_64 0:1.0.17-1.el5                                    
  ant.x86_64 0:1.6.5-2jpp.2                                                antlr.x86_64 0:2.7.6-4jpp.2                                       
  atk.x86_64 0:1.12.2-1.fc6                                                axis.x86_64 0:1.2.1-2jpp.6                                        
  bcel.x86_64 0:5.1-8jpp.1                                                 bdii.noarch 0:5.2.5-3                                             
  bitstream-vera-fonts.noarch 0:1.10-7                                     bouncycastle.x86_64 0:1.45-6.el5                                  
  cairo.x86_64 0:1.2.4-5.el5                                               classpathx-jaf.x86_64 0:1.0-9jpp.1                                
  classpathx-mail.x86_64 0:1.1.1-4jpp.2                                    cups-libs.x86_64 1:1.3.7-26.el5_6.1                               
  eclipse-ecj.x86_64 1:3.2.1-19.el5                                        emi-trustmanager.noarch 0:3.0.5-1.sl5                             
  emi-trustmanager-tomcat.noarch 0:3.0.0-1.sl5                             emi-version.x86_64 0:1.8.0-1.sl5                                  
  expect.x86_64 0:5.43.0-5.1                                               fetch-crl.noarch 0:2.8.5-1.el5                                    
  fontconfig.x86_64 0:2.4.1-7.el5                                          freetype.x86_64 0:2.2.1-28.el5_7.2                                
  geronimo-specs.x86_64 0:1.0-0.M2.2jpp.12                                 geronimo-specs-compat.x86_64 0:1.0-0.M2.2jpp.12                   
  giflib.x86_64 0:4.1.3-7.3.3.el5                                          gjdoc.x86_64 0:0.7.7-12.el5                                       
  glite-info-provider-service.noarch 0:1.8.1-2                             glite-yaim-bdii.noarch 0:4.3.8-1                                  
  glite-yaim-core.noarch 0:5.0.2-1.sl5                                     glue-schema.noarch 0:2.0.8-1.el5                                  
  gnutls.x86_64 0:1.4.1-3.el5_4.8                                          gtk2.x86_64 0:2.10.4-21.el5_5.6                                   
  hicolor-icon-theme.noarch 0:0.9-2.1                                      jakarta-commons-beanutils.x86_64 0:1.7.0-5jpp.1                   
  jakarta-commons-collections.x86_64 0:3.2-2jpp.3                          jakarta-commons-daemon.x86_64 1:1.0.1-6jpp.1                      
  jakarta-commons-dbcp.x86_64 0:1.2.1-7jpp.1                               jakarta-commons-digester.x86_64 0:1.7-5jpp.1                      
  jakarta-commons-discovery.x86_64 1:0.3-4jpp.1                            jakarta-commons-el.x86_64 0:1.0-7jpp.1                            
  jakarta-commons-fileupload.x86_64 1:1.0-6jpp.1                           jakarta-commons-httpclient.x86_64 1:3.0-7jpp.1                    
  jakarta-commons-launcher.x86_64 0:0.9-6jpp.1                             jakarta-commons-logging.x86_64 0:1.0.4-6jpp.1                     
  jakarta-commons-modeler.x86_64 0:1.1-8jpp.3.el5                          jakarta-commons-pool.x86_64 0:1.3-5jpp.1                          
  java-1.4.2-gcj-compat.x86_64 0:                         java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:             
  java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64 1:              jdk.x86_64 2000:1.6.0_31-fcs                                      
  jpackage-utils.noarch 0:1.7.3-1jpp.2.el5                                 libXcursor.x86_64 0:1.1.7-1.1                                     
  libXfixes.x86_64 0:4.0.1-2.1                                             libXft.x86_64 0:2.1.10-1.1                                        
  libXi.x86_64 0:1.0.1-4.el5_4                                             libXinerama.x86_64 0:1.0.1-2.1                                    
  libXrandr.x86_64 0:1.1.1-3.3                                             libXrender.x86_64 0:0.9.1-3.1                                     
  libXtst.x86_64 0:1.0.1-3.1                                               libart_lgpl.x86_64 0:2.3.17-4                                     
  libgcj.x86_64 0:4.1.2-51.el5                                             libjpeg.x86_64 0:6b-37                                            
  libpng.x86_64 2:1.2.10-15.el5_7                                          libtiff.x86_64 0:3.8.2-7.el5_6.7                                  
  libtool-ltdl.x86_64 0:1.5.22-7.el5_4                                     log4j.x86_64 0:1.2.13-3jpp.2                                      
  mx4j.x86_64 1:3.0.1-6jpp.4                                               mysql-server.x86_64 0:5.0.95-1.el5_7.1                            
  openldap-clients.x86_64 0:2.3.43-12.el5_6.7                              openldap-servers.x86_64 0:2.3.43-12.el5_6.7                       
  pango.x86_64 0:1.14.9-8.el5_7.3                                          perl-DBD-MySQL.x86_64 0:3.0007-2.el5                              
  python-ZSI.noarch 0:2.0-7.el5                                            regexp.x86_64 0:1.4-2jpp.2                                        
  tomcat5.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                                    tomcat5-common-lib.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                  
  tomcat5-jasper.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                             tomcat5-jsp-2.0-api.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                 
  tomcat5-server-lib.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7                         tomcat5-servlet-2.4-api.x86_64 0:5.5.23-0jpp.22.el5_7             
  tzdata-java.x86_64 0:2011l-4.el5                                         voms.x86_64 0:2.0.7-1.el5                                         
  voms-admin-client.x86_64 0:2.0.16-1.sl5                                  voms-admin-server.x86_64 0:2.6.1-1.sl5                            
  voms-clients.x86_64 0:2.0.7-1.el5                                        voms-mysql.x86_64 0:3.1.5-1.sl5                                   
  voms-server.x86_64 0:2.0.7-1.el5                                         wsdl4j.x86_64 0:1.5.2-4jpp.1                                      
  xalan-j2.x86_64 0:2.7.0-6jpp.1                                           xerces-j2.x86_64 0:2.7.1-7jpp.2.el5_4.2                           
  xml-commons.x86_64 0:1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp.10                                 xml-commons-resolver.x86_64 0:1.1-1jpp.12                         
  yaim-voms.noarch 0:1.1.0-1.el5                                           zip.x86_64 0:2.31-2.el5                                           


Install xml-commons-apis as suggested in the VOMS System administrator guide

[root@emitestbed18 ~]# yum install xml-commons-apis
Loaded plugins: downloadonly, kernel-module, priorities, protect-packages, protectbase, security, verify, versionlock
527 packages excluded due to repository priority protections
0 packages excluded due to repository protections
Reading version lock configuration
Setting up Install Process
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package xml-commons-apis.x86_64 0:1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp.10 set to be updated
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Beginning Kernel Module Plugin
Finished Kernel Module Plugin

Dependencies Resolved

 Package                              Arch                       Version                                    Repository                   Size
 xml-commons-apis                     x86_64                     1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp.10                        sl-base                     387 k

Transaction Summary
Install       1 Package(s)
Upgrade       0 Package(s)

Total download size: 387 k
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
xml-commons-apis-1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp.10.x86_64.rpm                                                                        | 387 kB     00:01     
Running rpm_check_debug
Running Transaction Test
Finished Transaction Test
Transaction Test Succeeded
Running Transaction
  Installing     : xml-commons-apis                                                                                                       1/1 

  xml-commons-apis.x86_64 0:1.3.02-0.b2.7jpp.10                                                                                               


Configure MySQL server

[root@emitestbed18 ~]#  service mysqld start
Initializing MySQL database:  Installing MySQL system tables...
Filling help tables...

To start mysqld at boot time you have to copy
support-files/mysql.server to the right place for your system

To do so, start the server, then issue the following commands:
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h password 'new-password'

Alternatively you can run:

which will also give you the option of removing the test
databases and anonymous user created by default.  This is
strongly recommended for production servers.

See the manual for more instructions.

You can start the MySQL daemon with:
cd /usr ; /usr/bin/mysqld_safe &

You can test the MySQL daemon with
cd mysql-test ; perl

Please report any problems with the /usr/bin/mysqlbug script!

The latest information about MySQL is available on the web at
Support MySQL by buying support/licenses at
                                                           [  OK  ]
Starting MySQL:                                            [  OK  ]
[root@emitestbed18 ~]# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password ***
[root@emitestbed18 ~]# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root -h password ***

VOMS configuration

YAIM setup

Setup yaim configuration directory structure:

[root@emitestbed18 ~]# mkdir -p siteinfo/services

Take template content for site-info.def and services/glite-voms from the VOMS system administrator guide. Add a setting for BDII_DELETE_DELAY in case yaim configuration fails due to the ??? BDII bug.

[root@emitestbed18 siteinfo]# cat site-info.def 

[root@emitestbed18 siteinfo]# cat services/glite-voms 
# VOMS server hostname


Run yaim configuration:

[root@emitestbed18 siteinfo]# /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info.def -n VOMS
   WARNING: *****************************************************************************
   WARNING: Your siteinfo directory is world readable. This is generally a bad idea      
   WARNING: as configuration files may contain passwords and other sensitive information.
   WARNING: *****************************************************************************
   INFO: Using site configuration file: site-info.def
   INFO: Sourcing service specific configuration file: ./services/glite-voms
         .             /'.-. ')
         .     yA,-"-,( ,m,:/ )   .oo.     oo    o      ooo  o.     .oo
         .    /      .-Y a  a Y-.     8. .8'    8'8.     8    8b   d'8
         .   /           ~ ~ /         8'    .8oo88.     8    8  8'  8
         . (_/         '===='          8    .8'     8.   8    8  Y   8
         .   Y,-''-,Yy,-.,/           o8o  o8o    o88o  o8o  o8o    o8o
         .    I_))_) I_))_)
         current working directory: /root/siteinfo
         site-info.def date: Mar 1 11:38 site-info.def
         yaim command: -c -s site-info.def -n VOMS
         log file: /opt/glite/yaim/bin/../log/yaimlog
         Thu Mar  1 11:38:04 CET 2012 : /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim
         Installed YAIM versions:
         glite-yaim-bdii 4.3.8-1
         glite-yaim-core 5.0.2-1
         yaim-voms 1.1.0-1.el5
   INFO: The default location of the grid-env.(c)sh files will be: /usr/libexec
   INFO: Sourcing the utilities in /opt/glite/yaim/functions/utils
   INFO: Detecting environment
   INFO: Executing function: config_host_certs_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_edgusers_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_add_pool_env_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_voms_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_voms_admin_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_glue2_info_service_voms_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_voms_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_voms_logrotate_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_bdii_5.2_check 
   INFO: Executing function: config_host_certs 
   INFO: Executing function: config_edgusers 
   INFO: Executing function: config_add_pool_env_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_add_pool_env 
   INFO: Executing function: config_crl 
   INFO: Now updating the CRLs - this may take a few minutes...
Enabling periodic fetch-crl:                               [  OK  ]
   INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_voms_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_voms 
   INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_voms_admin_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_info_service_voms_admin 
   INFO: Executing function: config_glue2_info_service_voms_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_glue2_info_service_voms 
   INFO: Executing function: config_voms_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_voms 
   INFO: MySQL configuration
   INFO: Check that java is installed
   INFO: Check that tomcat is installed
   INFO: Stop tomcat in case it's running
Stopping tomcat5:    INFO: Copying hostcert to /etc/grid-security/tomcat-cert.pem for tomcat:root......
   INFO: Copying hostkey to /etc/grid-security/tomcat-key.pem for tomcat:root...
   INFO: Configuring /etc/tomcat5/server.xml...
   INFO: Copying trustmanager log4j properties to tomcat configuration directory..
   INFO: Linking log4j and bouncycastle jars to tomcat server lib directory..
   INFO: Linking trustmanager jars to tomcat server lib directory..
   INFO: Defining JAVA_HOME in the Tomcat configuration file
   INFO: Starting Tomcat
Starting tomcat5:                                          [  OK  ]
   INFO: Ready to start VOMS configuration
voms-admin-configure, version 2.6.1

Checking glite installation...
VOMS_ADMIN_LOCATION: /usr/share/voms-admin
Checking local installation...
Glite installation ok.
Setting up user credentials...
Using host credentials (/etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem) since running as root.
Setting defaults for the VOMS AA credentials
Setting host credentials defaults for VOMS AA.
Cheking input parameters
Installing vo cert.mysql
Skipping voms core configuration creation
VO cert.mysql configured correctly.

VO cert.mysql installation finished.
You can start the voms services using the following commands:
    /etc/init.d/voms start cert.mysql
    /etc/init.d/voms-admin start cert.mysql
   INFO: Checking VOMS database schema existence and deploying one if missing...
Checking database connectivity...
Database contacted succesfully
Checking database existence...
No voms-admin database found.
Checking that the database is writable...
Database is writable.
create table acl2 (acl_id bigint not null auto_increment, group_id bigint not null, defaultACL bit not null, role_id bigint, primary key (acl_id), unique (group_id, defaultACL, role_id)) type=InnoDB
create table acl2_permissions (acl_id bigint not null, permissions integer, admin_id bigint not null, primary key (acl_id, admin_id)) type=InnoDB
create table admins (adminid bigint not null auto_increment, dn varchar(255) not null, email_address varchar(255), ca smallint not null, primary key (adminid), unique (dn, ca)) type=InnoDB
create table attributes (a_id bigint not null auto_increment, a_name varchar(255) not null unique, a_desc text, a_uniq bit default 0, primary key (a_id)) type=InnoDB
create table aup (id bigint not null auto_increment, name varchar(255) not null unique, description varchar(255), reacceptancePeriod integer not null, primary key (id)) type=InnoDB
create table aup_acc_record (id bigint not null auto_increment, aup_version_id bigint not null, usr_id bigint not null, last_acceptance_date datetime not null, valid bit, primary key (id), unique (aup_version_id, usr_id)) type=InnoDB
create table aup_version (id bigint not null auto_increment, aup_id bigint not null, version varchar(255) not null, url varchar(255), text varchar(255), creationTime datetime not null, lastForcedReacceptanceTime datetime, active bit not null, primary key (id), unique (aup_id, version)) type=InnoDB
create table ca (cid smallint not null auto_increment, subject_string varchar(255) not null unique, description varchar(255), creation_time datetime not null, primary key (cid)) type=InnoDB
create table capabilities (cid bigint not null auto_increment, capability varchar(255) not null, primary key (cid)) type=InnoDB
create table certificate (id bigint not null auto_increment, creation_time datetime not null, subject_string varchar(255) not null, suspended bit not null, suspended_reason varchar(255), suspension_reason_code varchar(255), ca_id smallint not null, usr_id bigint not null, primary key (id), unique (ca_id, subject_string)) type=InnoDB
create table certificate_request (certificate tinyblob, certificateIssuer varchar(255) not null, certificateSubject varchar(255) not null, request_id bigint not null, primary key (request_id)) type=InnoDB
create table group_attrs (a_id bigint not null, g_id bigint not null, a_value varchar(255), primary key (a_id, g_id)) type=InnoDB
create table group_membership_req (groupName varchar(255) not null, request_id bigint not null, primary key (request_id)) type=InnoDB
create table groups (gid bigint not null auto_increment, dn varchar(255) not null unique, description varchar(255), parent bigint, must bit not null, restricted bit, primary key (gid)) type=InnoDB
create table m (mapping_id bigint not null auto_increment, userid bigint not null, gid bigint not null, rid bigint, cid bigint, primary key (mapping_id), unique (userid, gid, rid)) type=InnoDB
create table memb_req (id bigint not null auto_increment, creation_date datetime not null, evaluation_date datetime, status integer not null, confirm_id varchar(255) not null, dn varchar(255) not null, ca varchar(255) not null, cn varchar(255), mail varchar(255) not null, primary key (id)) type=InnoDB
create table membership_rem_req (reason varchar(255) not null, request_id bigint not null, primary key (request_id)) type=InnoDB
create table personal_info (id bigint not null auto_increment, value varchar(255), visible bit, personal_info_type_id bigint not null, primary key (id)) type=InnoDB
create table personal_info_type (id bigint not null auto_increment, description varchar(255), type varchar(255) not null unique, primary key (id)) type=InnoDB
create table req (request_id bigint not null auto_increment, completionDate datetime, creationDate datetime, expirationDate datetime, status varchar(255) not null, requester_info_id bigint not null, primary key (request_id), unique (requester_info_id)) type=InnoDB
create table requester_info (id bigint not null auto_increment, address varchar(255), certificateIssuer varchar(255) not null, certificateSubject varchar(255) not null, emailAddress varchar(255) not null, institution varchar(255), name varchar(255), phoneNumber varchar(255), surname varchar(255), voMember bit, primary key (id)) type=InnoDB
create table requester_personal_info (requester_id bigint not null, pi_value varchar(255), pi_key varchar(255), primary key (requester_id, pi_key)) type=InnoDB
create table role_attrs (a_id bigint not null, g_id bigint not null, r_id bigint not null, a_value varchar(255), primary key (a_id, g_id, r_id)) type=InnoDB
create table role_membership_req (groupName varchar(255), roleName varchar(255), request_id bigint not null, primary key (request_id)) type=InnoDB
create table roles (rid bigint not null auto_increment, role varchar(255) not null unique, primary key (rid)) type=InnoDB
create table seqnumber (seq varchar(255) not null, primary key (seq)) type=InnoDB
create table sign_aup_task (task_id bigint not null, aup_id bigint not null, primary key (task_id)) type=InnoDB
create table tag_mapping (mapping_id bigint not null auto_increment, tag_id bigint not null, gid bigint not null, rid bigint, admin_id bigint not null, primary key (mapping_id), unique (tag_id, gid, rid, admin_id)) type=InnoDB
create table tags (id bigint not null auto_increment, name varchar(255) not null unique, implicit bit not null, permissions integer not null, permissionsOnPath integer, primary key (id)) type=InnoDB
create table task (task_id bigint not null auto_increment, completionDate datetime, creationDate datetime, expiryDate datetime, status varchar(255) not null, admin_id bigint, task_type_id bigint not null, usr_id bigint, primary key (task_id)) type=InnoDB
create table task_log_record (id bigint not null auto_increment, adminDn varchar(255), creation_time datetime not null, event varchar(255) not null, userDn varchar(255), task_id bigint not null, primary key (id)) type=InnoDB
create table task_type (id bigint not null auto_increment, description varchar(255), name varchar(255) not null unique, primary key (id)) type=InnoDB
create table user_request_task (task_id bigint not null, req_id bigint not null, primary key (task_id)) type=InnoDB
create table usr (userid bigint not null auto_increment, address varchar(255), creation_time datetime not null, dn varchar(255), email_address varchar(255) not null, end_time datetime not null, institution varchar(255), name varchar(255), phone_number varchar(255), surname varchar(255), suspended bit, suspension_reason varchar(255), suspension_reason_code varchar(255), ca smallint, primary key (userid)) type=InnoDB
create table usr_attrs (a_id bigint not null, u_id bigint not null, a_value varchar(255), primary key (a_id, u_id)) type=InnoDB
create table version (version integer not null, admin_version varchar(255), primary key (version)) type=InnoDB
create table vo_membership_req (confirmId varchar(255) not null, request_id bigint not null, primary key (request_id)) type=InnoDB
alter table acl2 add index FK2D98E8720C9B10 (role_id), add constraint FK2D98E8720C9B10 foreign key (role_id) references roles (rid) on delete cascade
alter table acl2 add index FK2D98E8FCFA8B04 (group_id), add constraint FK2D98E8FCFA8B04 foreign key (group_id) references groups (gid) on delete cascade
alter table acl2_permissions add index FK35C6CFADD91CE8A3 (acl_id), add constraint FK35C6CFADD91CE8A3 foreign key (acl_id) references acl2 (acl_id)
alter table acl2_permissions add index FK35C6CFADA4AD9904 (admin_id), add constraint FK35C6CFADA4AD9904 foreign key (admin_id) references admins (adminid)
alter table admins add index FKAB3A67047C6FEB32 (ca), add constraint FKAB3A67047C6FEB32 foreign key (ca) references ca (cid)
alter table aup_acc_record add index FKB1979B32EE2D4487 (usr_id), add constraint FKB1979B32EE2D4487 foreign key (usr_id) references usr (userid)
alter table aup_acc_record add index FKB1979B32815F1678 (aup_version_id), add constraint FKB1979B32815F1678 foreign key (aup_version_id) references aup_version (id)
alter table aup_version add index fk_aup_version_aup (aup_id), add constraint fk_aup_version_aup foreign key (aup_id) references aup (id) on delete cascade
alter table certificate add index FK745F4197EE2D4487 (usr_id), add constraint FK745F4197EE2D4487 foreign key (usr_id) references usr (userid)
alter table certificate add index FK745F419782107F70 (ca_id), add constraint FK745F419782107F70 foreign key (ca_id) references ca (cid)
alter table certificate_request add index FK47CA53E7D75D60A4 (request_id), add constraint FK47CA53E7D75D60A4 foreign key (request_id) references req (request_id)
alter table group_attrs add index FK40B1A2E2566C2A8F (a_id), add constraint FK40B1A2E2566C2A8F foreign key (a_id) references attributes (a_id)
alter table group_attrs add index FK40B1A2E2DEFC581C (g_id), add constraint FK40B1A2E2DEFC581C foreign key (g_id) references groups (gid) on delete cascade
alter table group_membership_req add index FKBD145E75D75D60A4 (request_id), add constraint FKBD145E75D75D60A4 foreign key (request_id) references req (request_id)
alter table groups add index FKB63DD9D4A3771CD3 (parent), add constraint FKB63DD9D4A3771CD3 foreign key (parent) references groups (gid)
alter table m add index fk_m_roles (rid), add constraint fk_m_roles foreign key (rid) references roles (rid) on delete cascade
alter table m add index fk_m_groups (gid), add constraint fk_m_groups foreign key (gid) references groups (gid) on delete cascade
alter table m add index fk_m_cap (cid), add constraint fk_m_cap foreign key (cid) references capabilities (cid)
alter table m add index fk_m_usr (userid), add constraint fk_m_usr foreign key (userid) references usr (userid)
alter table membership_rem_req add index FK1877BC10D75D60A4 (request_id), add constraint FK1877BC10D75D60A4 foreign key (request_id) references req (request_id)
alter table personal_info add index FK229FDF4DA8D3C6BC (personal_info_type_id), add constraint FK229FDF4DA8D3C6BC foreign key (personal_info_type_id) references personal_info_type (id)
alter table req add index FK1B89EC37E889D (requester_info_id), add constraint FK1B89EC37E889D foreign key (requester_info_id) references requester_info (id)
alter table requester_personal_info add index FK7E3D7FCAD500B8D2 (requester_id), add constraint FK7E3D7FCAD500B8D2 foreign key (requester_id) references requester_info (id)
alter table role_attrs add index FK6BDE9799566C2A8F (a_id), add constraint FK6BDE9799566C2A8F foreign key (a_id) references attributes (a_id)
alter table role_attrs add index FK6BDE979920304994 (r_id), add constraint FK6BDE979920304994 foreign key (r_id) references roles (rid) on delete cascade
alter table role_attrs add index FK6BDE9799DEFC581C (g_id), add constraint FK6BDE9799DEFC581C foreign key (g_id) references groups (gid)
alter table role_membership_req add index FK3B9C79ED75D60A4 (request_id), add constraint FK3B9C79ED75D60A4 foreign key (request_id) references req (request_id)
alter table sign_aup_task add index FK7FCB416A32B8C70C (task_id), add constraint FK7FCB416A32B8C70C foreign key (task_id) references task (task_id)
alter table sign_aup_task add index FK7FCB416ADA1C6363 (aup_id), add constraint FK7FCB416ADA1C6363 foreign key (aup_id) references aup (id)
alter table tag_mapping add index fk_tag_mapping_roles (rid), add constraint fk_tag_mapping_roles foreign key (rid) references roles (rid) on delete cascade
alter table tag_mapping add index fk_tag_mapping_admins (admin_id), add constraint fk_tag_mapping_admins foreign key (admin_id) references admins (adminid) on delete cascade
alter table tag_mapping add index fk_tag_mapping_groups (gid), add constraint fk_tag_mapping_groups foreign key (gid) references groups (gid) on delete cascade
alter table tag_mapping add index fk_tag_mapping_tag (tag_id), add constraint fk_tag_mapping_tag foreign key (tag_id) references tags (id) on delete cascade
alter table task add index FK3635859AD54C57 (task_type_id), add constraint FK3635859AD54C57 foreign key (task_type_id) references task_type (id)
alter table task add index FK363585EE2D4487 (usr_id), add constraint FK363585EE2D4487 foreign key (usr_id) references usr (userid)
alter table task add index FK363585A4AD9904 (admin_id), add constraint FK363585A4AD9904 foreign key (admin_id) references admins (adminid)
alter table task_log_record add index FK77673CA632B8C70C (task_id), add constraint FK77673CA632B8C70C foreign key (task_id) references task (task_id)
alter table user_request_task add index FKACB7D2932B8C70C (task_id), add constraint FKACB7D2932B8C70C foreign key (task_id) references task (task_id)
alter table user_request_task add index FKACB7D299D73AC35 (req_id), add constraint FKACB7D299D73AC35 foreign key (req_id) references req (request_id)
alter table usr add index FK1C5947C6FEB32 (ca), add constraint FK1C5947C6FEB32 foreign key (ca) references ca (cid)
alter table usr_attrs add index FKA39E0E37566C2A8F (a_id), add constraint FKA39E0E37566C2A8F foreign key (a_id) references attributes (a_id)
alter table usr_attrs add index FKA39E0E3720331206 (u_id), add constraint FKA39E0E3720331206 foreign key (u_id) references usr (userid)
alter table vo_membership_req add index FK28EE8AFBD75D60A4 (request_id), add constraint FK28EE8AFBD75D60A4 foreign key (request_id) references req (request_id)
Deploying voms database...
Database deployed correctly!
   INFO: Adding default admin from /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem
Admin '/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/,/C=IT/O=INFN/CN=INFN CA' not found. It will be created...
Adding ALL permissions on '/cert.mysql' for admin '/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/,/C=IT/O=INFN/CN=INFN CA'
Adding ALL permissions on role '/cert.mysql/Role=VO-Admin' for admin '/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/,/C=IT/O=INFN/CN=INFN CA'
Stopping vo cert.mysql
Starting vo cert.mysql
Stopping siblings webapp
Starting siblings webapp
   INFO: User and password for read-only database access for VOMS-CORE not specified.
   INFO: Using the credentials for read-write access (VOMS-ADMIN).
Stopping tomcat5:                                          [  OK  ]
Starting tomcat5:                                          [  OK  ]
Stopping voms(cert.mysql): (already stopped)
Starting voms(cert.mysql):                                 [  OK  ]
   INFO: Executing function: config_voms_logrotate_setenv 
   INFO: Executing function: config_voms_logrotate 
   INFO: Executing function: config_bdii_5.2 
Stopping BDII: BDII already stopped
Starting BDII slapd:                                       [  OK  ]
Starting BDII update process:                              [  OK  ]
   INFO: Configuration Complete.                                               [  OK  ]
   INFO: YAIM terminated succesfully.

As suggested in the VOMS System Administrator guide, open a new shell or source the grid environment to be able to run voms-admin commands:

source /etc/profile.d/

VOMS Administrator setup

Give your certificate administrator rights on VOMS-Admin using the command:

[root@emitestbed18 ceccanti]# add-admin --vo cert.mysql --cert usercert.pem 
Admin '/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Andrea Ceccanti,/C=IT/O=INFN/CN=INFN CA' not found. It will be created...
Adding ALL permissions on '/cert.mysql' for admin '/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Andrea Ceccanti,/C=IT/O=INFN/CN=INFN CA'
Adding ALL permissions on role '/cert.mysql/Role=VO-Admin' for admin '/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Andrea Ceccanti,/C=IT/O=INFN/CN=INFN CA'

VOMS smoke testing

Check that the VOMS Admin web application is running

Point your browser to https://HOSTNAME:8443/vomses and check that the webapp responds for the configured VO, in this case the cert.mysql VO.

Run the VOMS-Admin testsuite against the empty configured VO

The testsuites is run using a VOMS proxy, so make sure you have voms-clients rpm installed on the machine where your run it. The testsuite needs to run with administrator privileges on VOMS-Admin, so typically we use the same administrator credentials setup in the previous section.

Testsuite configuration and execution

  • Download the testsuite from here.
  • Unpack the tarball in the home directory of the user that have the VOMS administrator privileges.
  • Edit the cli-testsuite/tests/config_file testsuite configuration file and set the vo_name property to the name of the VO that you just configured
    export vo_name="cert.mysql"
  • Create a grid-proxy:
    [ceccanti@emitestbed18 cli-testsuite]$ voms-proxy-init 
    Enter GRID pass phrase:
    Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Andrea Ceccanti
    Creating proxy ................................... Done
    Your proxy is valid until Fri Mar  2 00:10:09 2012

  • Check that the grid environment contains the VOMS_LOCATION environment variable. If not, source the grid environment as already explained.

  • Run the voms-admin test suite using the following command:
    [ceccanti@emitestbed18 cli-testsuite]$ ./myCheck-VOMS -n -l test-sequence.lst.voms-admin
    Short report:
    Test VOMS-addMember   - OK
    Test VOMS-assignRole   - OK
    Test VOMS-crAttribute   - OK
    Test VOMS-crGroup   - OK
    Test VOMS-crRole   - OK
    Test VOMS-crUser   - OK
    Test VOMS-crUserNocert   - OK
    Test VOMS-delAttribute   - OK
    Test VOMS-delGroup   - OK
    Test VOMS-delGroupAttribute   - OK
    Test VOMS-delRole   - OK
    Test VOMS-delRoleAttribute   - OK
    Test VOMS-delUser   - OK
    Test VOMS-delUserAttribute   - OK
    Test VOMS-dismissRole   - OK
    Test VOMS-listAttributes   - OK
    Test VOMS-listGroupAttributes   - OK
    Test VOMS-listGroups   - OK
    Test VOMS-listMembers   - OK
    Test VOMS-listRoleAttributes   - OK
    Test VOMS-listRoles   - OK
    Test VOMS-listSubGroups   - OK
    Test VOMS-listUserAttributes   - OK
    Test VOMS-listUserGroups   - OK
    Test VOMS-listUserRoles   - OK
    Test VOMS-listUsers   - OK
    Test VOMS-listUsrWithRol   - OK
    Test VOMS-removeMember   - OK
    Test VOMS-setGroupAttribute   - OK
    Test VOMS-setRoleAttribute   - OK
    Test VOMS-setUserAttribute   - OK
    Full test report exists in ./full_result

  • Check that all the tests end with OK and archive the full_result report for future reference.

Register in VOMS and create a VOMS proxy for the tested VO

  • Point your browser to to register.
  • Confirm the request by clicking the URL sent by VOMS-Admin to your email address.
  • As an administrator, accept the membership request you just submitted
  • Create the /etc/vomses directory, if missing.
  • Put the vomses string displayed in in a file in the /etc/vomses directory.
  • Create the lsc file for the same VO issuing the following commands:
    [root@emitestbed18 vomsdir]# mkdir /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/cert.mysql
    [root@emitestbed18 vomsdir]# touch /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/cert.mysql/`hostname -f`.lsc
    [root@emitestbed18 vomsdir]# openssl x509 -in /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem -noout -subject | sed "s/subject= //" >> /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/cert.mysql/
    [root@emitestbed18 vomsdir]# openssl x509 -in /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem -noout -issuer | sed "s/issuer= //" >> /etc/grid-security/vomsdir/cert.mysql/
  • As the registered user, run voms-proxy-init -voms cert.mysql and check that it behaves as expected:
    [ceccanti@emitestbed18 ~]$ voms-proxy-init -voms cert.mysql
    Enter GRID pass phrase:
    Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Andrea Ceccanti
    Creating temporary proxy ........................ Done
    Contacting [/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/] "cert.mysql" Done
    Creating proxy ................... Done
    Your proxy is valid until Fri Mar  2 00:38:06 2012
    [ceccanti@emitestbed18 ~]$ voms-proxy-info -all
    subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Andrea Ceccanti/CN=proxy
    issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Andrea Ceccanti
    identity  : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Andrea Ceccanti
    type      : proxy
    strength  : 1024 bits
    path      : /tmp/x509up_u507
    timeleft  : 11:59:54
    key usage : Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment
    === VO cert.mysql extension information ===
    VO        : cert.mysql
    subject   : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Andrea Ceccanti
    issuer    : /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/
    attribute : /cert.mysql/Role=NULL/Capability=NULL
    timeleft  : 11:59:54
    uri       :

Run the VOMS core testsuite

In order to run the VOMS core testsuite for the version of the software being certified follow the instructions in VOMSTestSuite. The results for this task are attached here, and can be browsed here.

Regression tests

[VOMS] Fix /etc/sysconfig/voms inclusion in voms init.d script (

Description of the test: unset the

environment variables and check that the VOMS init scripts work as expected.


[root@emitestbed18 ~]# unset VOMS_LOCATION
[root@emitestbed18 ~]# unset VOMS_LOCATION_CONF
[root@emitestbed18 ~]# unset VOMS_LOCATION_VAR
[root@emitestbed18 ~]# service voms stop
Stopping voms(cert.mysql):                                 [  OK  ]
[root@emitestbed18 ~]# service voms start
Starting voms(cert.mysql):                                 [  OK  ]

Result: Passed

[VOMS] Wrong GlueServiceVersion published by EMI VOMS (

Description of the test: Check that the GlueServiceVersion and GLUE2EndpointImplementationVersion published by VOMS and VOMS-Admin are equal to the versions of the installed rpms


[ceccanti@emitestbed18 ~]$ ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap://localhost:2170 -b o=grid | grep GlueServiceVersion
GlueServiceVersion: 2.6.1
GlueServiceVersion: 2.0.7
[ceccanti@emitestbed18 ~]$ rpm -qa | grep voms-server
[ceccanti@emitestbed18 ~]$ rpm -qa | grep voms-admin-server

[ceccanti@emitestbed18 ~]$  ldapsearch -x -LLL -H ldap://localhost:2170 -b o=glue | grep GLUE2EndpointImplementationVersion
GLUE2EndpointImplementationVersion: 2.0.7
GLUE2EndpointImplementationVersion: 2.6.1

Result: Passed

[VOMS] VOMS should not bother about /etc/nologin (

Description of the test: Check that VOMS correctly ignores the /etc/nologin file at startup (VOMS refused to start in the past).


[root@emitestbed18 ~]# service voms stop
Stopping voms(cert.mysql):                                 [  OK  ]
[root@emitestbed18 ~]# touch /etc/nologin
[root@emitestbed18 ~]# service voms start
Starting voms(cert.mysql):                                 [  OK  ]

[VOMS] VOMS configuration does not add itself as a service (

Description of the test: Check that VOMS is activated for all meaningful runlevels after installation and configuration.


[root@emitestbed18 ~]# chkconfig --list voms
voms              0:off   1:off   2:on   3:on   4:on   5:on   6:off

Result: Passed

[VOMS] A vulnerability has been found in VOMS (

Description of the test: This issue is tested automatically by the VOMS core testsuite.

Execution: See the test suite reports. Result: Passed

[VOMS] AC query fails when more than two fqans are explicitly requested (

Description of the test: This issue is tested automatically by the VOMS core testsuite (test voms170.exp).

Execution: See the test suite reports.

Result: Passed

[VOMS Java API] Failed to verify RFC proxy and crash (

Description of the test: Create an rfc proxy with voms-proxy-init and verify that an handshake with a server that uses the VOMS Trustmanager accepts the connection and can parse the VOMS attribute certificate.


Installed VOMS Java APIs v. 2.0.7 in an existing Argus pep server installation and restarted the Argus services.

# yum localinstall voms-api-java-2.0.7-1.sl5.noarch.rpm 
# /etc/init.d/argus-pap stop 
# /etc/init.d/argus-pdp stop 
# /etc/init.d/argus-pepd stop
# /etc/init.d/argus-pap start 
# /etc/init.d/argus-pdp start 
# /etc/init.d/argus-pepd start 

On an EMI UI, created and rfc proxy issuing:

[ceccanti@emitestbed08 ~]$ voms-proxy-init -voms -rfc
Enter GRID pass phrase:
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Andrea Ceccanti
Creating temporary proxy ...................................... Done
Contacting [/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/] "" Done
Creating proxy ................................. Done

Your proxy is valid until Mon Mar  5 23:08:58 2012

and checked that the interaction with the Argus server worked as expected with the pepcli command:

[ceccanti@emitestbed08 ~]$ cat spl-tutorial/ 
pepcli --pepd "" \
       -c /tmp/x509up_u507  \
       --capath /etc/grid-security/certificates \
       -r \
       -a submit-job \
       --cert /tmp/x509up_u507 --key /tmp/x509up_u507

[ceccanti@emitestbed08 ~]$ sh spl-tutorial/ 
Decision: Permit
Obligation: (caller should resolve POSIX account mapping)
Username: tst18
Group: testers
Secondary Groups: testers

Result: Passed

VOMS upgrade deployment test

  1. Install an EMI 1 VOMS node following the instructions in the VOMS System Administrator Guide.
  2. Configure a VO and check that it works as expected.
  3. Install the ETICS build repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d and edit it as described in the section on the clean installation and run yum update. (See log).

[root@cert-voms-01 yum.repos.d]# cd /etc/yum.repos.d
[root@cert-voms-01 yum.repos.d]# wget
[root@cert-voms-01 yum.repos.d]# yum update

  • Reconfigure the services (see log):
    [root@cert-voms-01 siteinfo]# /opt/glite/yaim/bin/yaim -c -s site-info.def -n VOMS

  • Check that VOMS and VOMS-Admin work as expected.

-- AndreaCeccanti - 2012-03-01

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt EMI_Certification_Report_task26570.txt manage 2.8 K 2012-03-02 - 17:54 AndreaCeccanti EMI Certification report
Texttxt EMI_Test_Report_task26570.txt manage 2.9 K 2012-03-02 - 17:51 AndreaCeccanti EMI Test report
Compressed Zip archivetgz clean-installation-yum-repos.tgz manage 3.8 K 2012-03-02 - 17:41 AndreaCeccanti YUM repositories used for the clean installation deployment test
Unknown file formatrepo etics.repo manage 6.9 K 2012-03-02 - 17:32 AndreaCeccanti ETICS repository used for certification
Unknown file formatgz upgrade-test-yum-repos.tar.gz manage 3.6 K 2012-03-02 - 17:40 AndreaCeccanti YUM repositories used for the upgrade test
Unknown file formatEXT voms-admin-testsuite-results manage 15.1 K 2012-03-02 - 17:46 AndreaCeccanti VOMS Admin testsuite results (HTML)
Compressed Zip archivetgz voms-core-testsuite-reports-task26570.tgz manage 254.9 K 2012-03-01 - 15:07 AndreaCeccanti The Testsuite run result
Unknown file formatlog yaim-configuration.log manage 19.4 K 2012-03-02 - 17:36 AndreaCeccanti YAIM configuration log
Unknown file formatlog yaim-upgrade-from-emi1.log manage 6.8 K 2012-03-01 - 17:40 AndreaCeccanti YAIM upgrade deployment test log
Unknown file formatlog yum-install.log manage 64.1 K 2012-03-02 - 17:35 AndreaCeccanti Yum installation log
Unknown file formatlog yum-upgrade-from-emi1.log manage 122.7 K 2012-03-01 - 17:36 AndreaCeccanti YUM upgrade deployment test log
Topic revision: r10 - 2012-05-04 - AndreaCeccanti
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