Einstein-Tk |
QuantumEpresso |
RegCM |
1 |
Code Developer - E.g.: P(=personal) ,OS(=OpenSource), C(=Commercial), ... |
OS+P |
OS+P |
OS+P |
OS |
OS |
OS |
2 |
Parallelization Model - E.g.: MPI, openMP, Hybrid, GPU, .. |
MPI/openMP |
MPI/openMP |
MPI/openMP |
MPI/openMP |
MPI/openMP GPU |
3 |
CPU requirements - E.g.: 1-10 WholeNodes, 16-24 CPUs, .. |
8-64 WholeNodes |
1-64 WholeNodes |
1 or more WholeNode Node |
1-1024 |
8-128 WholeNodes |
1 WholeNode |
4 |
Memory requirements - E.g.: No, 1-2 GB per core, Memory-Bound(=whole avail. mem.), .. |
Mem-bound |
1GB per core |
1GB per core |
no |
1-2 GB |
No |
5 |
Match Making - Yes(wms can find a suitable resource), No( I select the resource) |
No |
No |
No |
Yes (no preinstalled exe) |
No |
Yes |
6 |
Compiler/Version needed on the WN - E.g.: No=compiled on the UI, gcc/g++, icc, Java ..) |
gcc-c++ |
f90, gcc-c++ |
NO |
NO |
No |
No |
7 |
Libraries/version needed on the WN (COMPILE time) - E.g.: no(=compiled on the UI), Blas, Lapack, Gsl, .. |
cfitsio |
blas, lapack, gsl, hdf5, fftw3 |
if compiled, netcdf |
no |
no |
no |
8 |
Libraries needed on the WN (EXECUTION time) - E.g.: Blas, Lapack, Gsl, .. |
cfitsio |
blas, lapack, gsl, hdf5, fftw3 |
no (netcdf statically linked) |
no |
no |
no |
9 |
Interpreter needed on the WN - E.g.: Python, perl, .. |
no |
no |
Pyhton wrapper created |
No |
no |
no |
10 |
Applications needed on the WN - Name and version (if important) of a needed Application (QE, gaussian,..) |
no |
no |
no |
no |
QE-latest-vers |
no |
11 |
Large amount of Data - E.g.: No, 10GB Input, 20-30 GB output, ... |
400GB |
20GB output |
10GB input |
10GB output |
10 GB output |
100GB |
12 |
Data Intensive - E.g.: No(=don't care), SAN(=Shared High speed SAN), Local(=1 Local scratch disk per Node, .. ) |
No |
No |
No |
SAN/Local |
No, files are saved to custom storage via OpenDAP |
13 |
Expected Execution time - E .g.: No=within a few hours, 24-48h, 72h or more,.. |
? |
>3weeks |
>72h |
>3 weeks |
72 or more |
72 or more |
14 |
Checkpoints - E.g.: No(=don't care) Yes(=I need a safe local storage area to save CheckPoints ) |
Yes on the same site |
Yes |
can continue on different sites |
No, output is retrieved via SE |
Yes, on the same site |
No, files are saved to custom storage via OpenDAP |
15 |
Communication Intensive - E.g.: No (=don't care) , IB(=Infiniband needed) , ... |
No |
IB |
No |
IB if more than 3 physical nodes used |
IB |
no |
16 |
Web portal - E.g.: No(not needed), D(=yes for Data management), CI ( yes with Custmized Interface), CHK=(Checkpoint support)... |
CI |
CI |
CI |
No |
No |
D |
17 |
Main requirements and Expected outcomes (e.g.: optimized compilers/libraries, distributed File-systems, execution speedup, ..) |
Application memory bound (up to 8TByte) - Typical resources are Supercomputers (Prace). Grid used for tests and small problems |
Long term execution and large file produced (>10GB). Needed fast checkpoint area on dedicated sites. |
Nemo needs standard HPC resources available on the Grid. The tool is statically compiled on the UI, so it doesn't need special SW env. |
Long execution time, but we split in several small task with checkpointing. No special Sw env neeed so match-making can be used |
Q/E needs to be installed (latest and optimized version) on the site. Low latency network and checkpoint needed |
Standard execution requires large dataset and checkpoint, but REgCM relies on custom network storage systems (openDAP). The approach based on "relocatable package" (see appl. descriptions) makes the application suitable for the Grid Environment |