This host has installed ig_HLR profile. We used it to test DGAS_sensors installed on cert-34
Work Log
2011-12-27 (Sergio)
* installed the host certificate.
yum update
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
wget http://repo-pd.italiangrid.it/mrepo/repos/glite/sl5/x86_64/ig.repo
wget http://repo-pd.italiangrid.it/mrepo/repos/glite/sl5/x86_64/glite-generic.repo
yum install ig_HLR
wget http://repo-pd.italiangrid.it/mrepo/repos/egi-trustanchors.repo
yum install -y ca-policy-egi-core
/opt/glite/yaim/bin/ig_yaim -c -d 6 -s /usr/local/nfs/rtc-emi/rtc-emi-site-info.def -n ig_HLR 2>&1 | tee /root/conf_HLR.`hostname -s`.`date +m%d-M%S`.log
/opt/glite/sbin/glite-dgas-hlr-bdiiresimport.pl -s cert-17.pd.infn.it -H cert-34.pd.infn.it
vi /opt/glite/etc/dgas_2lservers.conf
leave only the test hlr of first level hlr2-test-26.to.infn.it
/etc/init.d/glite-dgas-hlrd stop
/etc/init.d/glite-dgas-hlrd start
Enter in mysql and check if the jobs are correctly accounted:
mysql -u root -p
mysql> use hlr;
mysql> select count(*) from jobTransSummary;
| count(*) |
| 15 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
SergioTraldi - 2011-12-28