WMS 3.6.2 test report - IGIRTC-168

Deployment tests

Testing SL5

Testing SL6

Functionality tests

Job submission - SOME FAILURES

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-job-cycle.html 
WMS-job-cycle :: WMS Job Cycle Test Suite                                     
Submit Normal Job                                                     ......
 Submit Normal Job - CREAM 

Submit Normal Job                                                     | PASS |
Submit Bulk of Jobs                                                   ......
 Submit Bulk of Jobs - CREAM 

Submit Bulk of Jobs                                                   | PASS |
Submit Parametric Job                                                 ......
 Submit Parametric Job - CREAM 

Submit Parametric Job                                                 | PASS |
Submit DAG Job                                                        | PASS |
Submit MPI Job                                                        ......
 Submit MPI Job - CREAM 

Submit MPI Job                                                        | PASS |
Submit Perusal Job                                                    ....
 Submit Perusal Job - CREAM 

Submit Perusal Job                                                    | FAIL |
[u"Submit Perusal Job - CREAM : GeneralError: 'No chunks have been retrieved.'"]
Submit Bulk of Jobs , using a single jdl with all jdls of nodes       ......
 Submit Bulk of Jobs , using a single jdl with all jdls of nodes - CREAM 

Submit Bulk of Jobs , using a single jdl with all jdls of nodes       | PASS |
Testing forwarding parameters for parallel jobs                       ....

 Case 2 

 Case 3 

 Case 4 

 Case 5 

Testing forwarding parameters for parallel jobs                       | PASS |
WMS-job-cycle :: WMS Job Cycle Test Suite                             | FAIL |
8 critical tests, 7 passed, 1 failed
8 tests total, 7 passed, 1 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Jdl attributes - SOME FAILURES

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle.html 
WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle :: WMS Job Cycle Test Suite                      
Jdl with AllowZippedISB                                               ....
 Jdl with AllowZippedISB - CREAM 

Jdl with AllowZippedISB                                               | FAIL |
Message 'Archiving the ISB files' not found: '-----------------------------------------
28 Nov 2013, 13:51:12 -I- PID: 27661 (Debug) - Vo read from proxy certificate extension
28 Nov 2013, 13:51:12 -I- PID: 27661 (Debug) - VirtualOrganisation value : testers.eu-emi.eu
28 Nov 2013, 13:51:12 -I- PID: 27661 (Debug) - Loaded user configuration file:
28 Nov 2013, 13:51:12 -I- PID: 27661 (Debug) - Configuration file: //etc/glite-wms/testers.eu-emi.eu/glite_wmsui.conf - VirtualOrganisation, MyProxyServer attribute(s) no more supported outside JDL Default Attributes section "JdlDefaultAttributes"
    [ Message content over the limit has been removed. ]
...013, 13:51:13 -I- PID: 27661 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy jobStart service
28 Nov 2013, 13:51:14 -I- PID: 27661 (Debug) - jobStart -  The job has been successfully started

====================== glite-wms-job-submit Success ======================

The job has been successfully submitted to the WMProxy
Your job identifier is:



      *** Log file created ***
Possible Errors and Debug messages have been printed in the following file:
' does not contain 'Archiving the ISB files'
Jdl with ExpiryTime                                                   | PASS |
Jdl with ShortDeadlineJob                                             ......
 Jdl with ShortDeadlineJob - CREAM 

Jdl with ShortDeadlineJob                                             | FAIL |
[u'CREAM : No Computing Element matching your job requirements has been found']
Jdl with DataRequirements                                             | FAIL |
RunCommandError: u'Command lfc-mkdir /grid/testers.eu-emi.eu/20131128135111 failed. Failure message: send2nsd: NS009 - fatal configuration error: Host unknown: emi2rc-sl5-lfc.cern.ch\ncannot create /grid/testers.eu-emi.eu/20131128135111: Host not known'
Jdl with InputSandboxBaseURI                                          ....    
 Jdl with InputSandboxBaseURI - CREAM 

Jdl with InputSandboxBaseURI                                          | PASS |
Jdl with OutputSandboxBaseDestURI                                     ...     
 Jdl with OutputSandboxBaseDestURI - CREAM 

Jdl with OutputSandboxBaseDestURI                                     | PASS |
Jdl with OutputSandboxDestURI                                         ...     
 Jdl with OutputSandboxDestURI - CREAM 

Jdl with OutputSandboxDestURI                                         | PASS |
Jdl with FuzzyRank attribute                                          ......
 Jdl with FuzzyRank attribute - CREAM 

Jdl with FuzzyRank attribute                                          | PASS |
Jdl with UserTags attribute                                           ......
 Jdl with UserTags attribute - CREAM 

Jdl with UserTags attribute                                           | PASS |
Jdl with LBAddresses attribute                                        .......
 Jdl with LBAddresses attribute - CREAM 

Jdl with LBAddresses attribute                                        | PASS |
Jdl with Environment attribute                                        ......
 Jdl with Environment attribute - CREAM 

Jdl with Environment attribute                                        | PASS |
Jdl with PerusalFileEnable attribute                                  ......
 Jdl with PerusalFileEnable attribute - CREAM 

Jdl with PerusalFileEnable attribute                                  | PASS |
Jdl with PerusalTimeInterval attribute                                ......
 Jdl with PerusalTimeInterval attribute - CREAM 

Jdl with PerusalTimeInterval attribute                                | FAIL |
[u"Jdl with PerusalTimeInterval attribute - CREAM : GeneralError: 'Time difference between chunks is shorter than the PerusalTimeInterval value (1300 secs)'"]
WMS-jdl-attributes-job-cycle :: WMS Job Cycle Test Suite              | FAIL |
13 critical tests, 9 passed, 4 failed
13 tests total, 9 passed, 4 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Jdl compound job - SOME FAILURES

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-jdl-attributes-coumpound-jobs-cycle.html 
WMS-jdl-attributes-coumpound-jobs-cycle :: WMS Jdl Attributes Coumpound Job...
Check job cycle using DAG job with jdl that contains other DAG        ....
 Check job cycle using DAG job with jdl that contains other DAG - CREAM 

Check job cycle using DAG job with jdl that contains other DAG        | FAIL |
[u"Check job cycle using DAG job with jdl that contains other DAG - CREAM : GeneralError: 'This test is not yet implemented'"]
Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with DefaultNodeRetryCount a... ....
 Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with DefaultNodeRetryCount attribute - CREAM 

Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with DefaultNodeRetryCount a... | FAIL |
[u'Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with DefaultNodeRetryCount attribute - CREAM : GeneralError: "Coumpound job https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/pUWrbC9teJTC6j-ytDvNLw hasn\'t be correctly resubmitted"']
Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with DefaultNodeRetr... ....
 Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with DefaultNodeRetryCount attribute - CREAM 

Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with DefaultNodeRetr... | FAIL |
[u"Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with DefaultNodeRetryCount attribute - CREAM : TimeOutError: 'Timeout reached while waiting the job https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/WJVfqpPUYWnNV4hqtT-xlg to finish'"]
Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with DefaultNodeShallowRetry... ....
 Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with DefaultNodeShallowRetryCount attribute - CREAM 

Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with DefaultNodeShallowRetry... | FAIL |
[u'Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with DefaultNodeShallowRetryCount attribute - CREAM : RunCommandError: \'Command glite-wms-job-logging-info --event RESUBMISSION https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/JIRXCjxxQ5dHYpwv9uJ0SQ failed. Failure message: **** Warning: API_NATIVE_ERROR ****  \\nError while calling the "Eve::queryEvents" native api \\nUnable to retrieve any status information from: emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it: glite.lb.Exception: edg_wll_QueryEvents: No such file or directory: no matching events found\\n\\tat glite::lb::ServerConnection::queryEvents[./src/ServerConnection.cpp:848]\\n\\n\\n**** Warning: API_NATIVE_ERROR ****  \\nError while calling the "Eve::queryEvents" native api \\nUnable to retrieve any matching information for jobid: https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/JIRXCjxxQ5dHYpwv9uJ0SQ\\n\\n\'']
Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with DefaultNodeShal... ....
 Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with DefaultNodeShallowRetryCount attribute - CREAM 

Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with DefaultNodeShal... | FAIL |
[u"Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with DefaultNodeShallowRetryCount attribute - CREAM : TimeOutError: 'Timeout reached while waiting the job https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/R038EKK7llSOcmIdqa07qw to finish'"]
Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with AllowZippedISB attribute   ....
 Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with AllowZippedISB attribute - CREAM 

Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with AllowZippedISB attribute   | FAIL |
[u"Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with AllowZippedISB attribute - CREAM : GeneralError: 'Message Archiving the ISB files not found'"]
Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with AllowZippedISB ... ....
 Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with AllowZippedISB attribute - CREAM 

Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with AllowZippedISB ... | FAIL |
[u"Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with AllowZippedISB attribute - CREAM : GeneralError: 'Message Archiving the ISB files not found'"]
Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with UserTags attribute         ....
 Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with UserTags attribute - CREAM 

Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with UserTags attribute         | PASS |
Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with UserTags attribute ....
 Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with UserTags attribute - CREAM 

Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with UserTags attribute | PASS |
Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with ExpiryTime attribute       ....
 Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with ExpiryTime attribute - CREAM 

Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with ExpiryTime attribute       | FAIL |
[u"Check job cycle using DAG job and jdl with ExpiryTime attribute - CREAM : TimeOutError: 'Timeout reached while waiting the job https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/voAk735lcfkG8c2uWoG3gA to finish'"]
Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with ExpiryTime attr... ....
 Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with ExpiryTime attribute - CREAM 

Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with ExpiryTime attr... | FAIL |
[u"Check job cycle using jobs collection and jdl with ExpiryTime attribute - CREAM : TimeOutError: 'Timeout reached while waiting the job https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/6xQIeDJHX20QKJBzWb1tYg to finish'"]
WMS-jdl-attributes-coumpound-jobs-cycle :: WMS Jdl Attributes Coum... | FAIL |
11 critical tests, 2 passed, 9 failed
11 tests total, 2 passed, 9 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Resubmission - PASSED

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-job-resubmit.html 
WMS-job-resubmit :: WMS Job Resubmit Test Suite                               
Shallow Resubmission                                                  ....
 Shallow Resubmission - CREAM 

Shallow Resubmission                                                  | PASS |
Deep Resubmission                                                     ....
 Deep Resubmission - CREAM 

Deep Resubmission                                                     | PASS |
WMS-job-resubmit :: WMS Job Resubmit Test Suite                       | PASS |
2 critical tests, 2 passed, 0 failed
2 tests total, 2 passed, 0 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Limiter mechanism - FAILED

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-limiter-mechanism.html 
WMS-limiter-mechanism :: Test the WMS limiter mechanism operation             
Test Option load1                                                     | FAIL |
Method isn't jobSubmit as expected: '' does not contain 'jobSubmit'
Test Option load5                                                     | FAIL |
Submission not failed as expected
Test Option load15                                                    | FAIL |
Method isn't jobSubmit as expected: '' does not contain 'jobSubmit'
Test Option memusage                                                  | FAIL |
Method isn't jobSubmit as expected: '' does not contain 'jobSubmit'
Test Option swapusage                                                 | FAIL |
Method isn't jobSubmit as expected: '' does not contain 'jobSubmit'
Test Option ftpconn                                                   | FAIL |
Method isn't jobSubmit as expected: '' does not contain 'jobSubmit'
Test Option diskusage                                                 | FAIL |
Method isn't jobSubmit as expected: '' does not contain 'jobSubmit'
Test Option fdnum                                                     | FAIL |
Method isn't jobSubmit as expected: '' does not contain 'jobSubmit'
Test Option jdnum                                                     | FAIL |
Submission not failed as expected
Test Option jdsize                                                    | FAIL |
Submission not failed as expected
WMS-limiter-mechanism :: Test the WMS limiter mechanism operation     | FAIL |
10 critical tests, 0 passed, 10 failed
10 tests total, 0 passed, 10 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

List Match - PASSED

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-list-match.html 
WMS-list-match :: WMS list match testing suite.                               
Check Executables                                                     | PASS |
Simple Matching                                                       | PASS |
Delegation Matching                                                   | PASS |
Exclude CE from Match                                                 | PASS |
Failure Matching                                                      | PASS |
Matching (EnableWMSFeedback True)                                     | PASS |
WMS-list-match :: WMS list match testing suite.                       | PASS |
6 critical tests, 6 passed, 0 failed
6 tests total, 6 passed, 0 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Prologue/epilogue - PASSED

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-prologue-epilogue.html 
WMS-prologue-epilogue :: WMS Prologue Epilogue Test Suite                     
Prologue                                                              ....
 Prologue - CREAM 

Prologue                                                              | PASS |
Epilogue                                                              ....
 Epilogue - CREAM 

Epilogue                                                              | PASS |
Prologue and Epilogue                                                 ....
 Prologue and Epilogue - CREAM 

Prologue and Epilogue                                                 | PASS |
WMS-prologue-epilogue :: WMS Prologue Epilogue Test Suite             | PASS |
3 critical tests, 3 passed, 0 failed
3 tests total, 3 passed, 0 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Proxy renewal - SOME FAILURES

MYPROXYSERVER set to myproxy.cnaf.infn.it

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC166]$ myproxy-init -s myproxy.cnaf.infn.it -d -n
Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini
Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Creating proxy ............ Done
Proxy Verify OK
Your proxy is valid until: Wed Nov 13 15:34:12 2013
A proxy valid for 168 hours (7.0 days) for user /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini now exists on myproxy.cnaf.infn.it.

[root@emitestbed44 ~]# rm -rf /var/ice/persist_dir/*
[root@emitestbed44 ~]# rm -f /var/glite/spool/glite-renewd/*
[root@emitestbed44 ~]# /etc/init.d/glite-wms-ice restart

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-proxy-renewal.html 
WMS-proxy-renewal :: WMS Proxy Renewal Test Suite                             
Proxy renewal                                                         ....
 Proxy renewal - CREAM 

Proxy renewal                                                         | FAIL |
[u"Proxy renewal - CREAM : GeneralError: 'Check failed reason: Proxy expired'"]
Proxy renewal without setting MYPROXYSERVER                           ....
 Proxy renewal without setting MYPROXYSERVER - CREAM 

Proxy renewal without setting MYPROXYSERVER                           | PASS |
WMS-proxy-renewal :: WMS Proxy Renewal Test Suite                     | FAIL |
2 critical tests, 1 passed, 1 failed
2 tests total, 1 passed, 1 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html


[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot -e case1 -e case6 -e case7 ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-check-purger.html 
WMS-check-purger :: WMS Check Purger Test Suite                               
Test purge , normal job cycle ( Submit to CREAM CE )                  | PASS |
Test proxy cache purging                                              | PASS |
SandBoxDir cron purger ( Submit a job and force its purge before i... | PASS |
SandBoxDir cron purger ( Purge a DONE job )                           | PASS |
SandBoxDir cron purger ( Purge a DAG job )                            | FAIL |
GeneralError: "Command failed for some other reason. Expected reasaon 'No such file or directory'"
WMS-check-purger :: WMS Check Purger Test Suite                       | FAIL |
5 critical tests, 4 passed, 1 failed
5 tests total, 4 passed, 1 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Configuration - SOME FAILURES

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-check-configuration-3.4.html 
WMS-check-configuration-3.4 :: Check the syntax of the WMS configuration fi...
Check Common Section                                                  | PASS |
Check JobController Section                                           | PASS |
Check NetworkServer Section                                           | FAIL |
GeneralError: u"Section: NetworkServer , problem with following attributes: set(['LogLevel  =  5;', 'LogLevel  =  6;'])"
Check LogMonitor Section                                              | PASS |
Check WorkloadManager Section                                         | FAIL |
GeneralError: u'Section: WorkloadManager , problem with following attributes: set([\'IsmThreads  =  true;\', \'LogLevel  =  5;\', \'IsmIiLDAPCEFilterExt  =  "(|(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:testers.eu-emi.eu)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/testers.eu-emi.eu/*)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:testers2.eu-emi.eu)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/testers2.eu-emi.eu/*)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:testers3.eu-emi.eu)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/testers3.eu-emi.eu/*)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:dteam)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/dteam/*)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:infngrid)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/infngrid/*))";\', \'IsmThreads  =  false;\', \'LogLevel  =  6;\', \'IsmIiLDAPCEFilterExt  =  "(|(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:testers.eu-emi.eu)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/testers.eu-emi.eu/*)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:testers2.eu-emi.eu)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/testers2.eu-emi.eu/*)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:cms)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/cms/*)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:dteam)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/dteam/*)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VO:infngrid)(GlueCEAccessControlBaseRule=VOMS:/infngrid/*))";\'])'
Check WorkloadManagerProxy Section                                    | FAIL |
GeneralError: u'Section: WorkloadManagerProxy , problem with following attributes: set([\'AsyncJobStart  =  true;\', \'AsyncJobStart  =  false;\', \'LogLevel  =  5;\', \'LogLevel  =  6;\', \'Wms_Pepc_ResourceId  =  "https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server";\'])'
Check ICE Section                                                     | FAIL |
GeneralError: u"Section: ICE , problem with following attributes: set(['proxy_renewal_timeout  =  120;', 'ice_log_level   =   700;', 'ice_log_level   =   300;'])"
Check Variables                                                       | FAIL |
This test requires the YAIM_FILE configuration file. Please set the YAIM_FILE variable in the test's configuration file.
WMS-check-configuration-3.4 :: Check the syntax of the WMS configu... | FAIL |
8 critical tests, 3 passed, 5 failed
8 tests total, 3 passed, 5 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Delegation - SOME FAILURES

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-delegation.html 
WMS-delegation :: WMS Delegation Test Suite                                   
Check --autm-delegation option                                        | PASS |
Check --delegationid option                                           | PASS |
Try to delegate with a short proxy                                    | PASS |
Works with expired proxy                                              | FAIL |
RunCommandError: u'Command glite-wms-job-info --config /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/WMSService-WMS-delegation_20131202161637/wms.conf -d deleg-1385997403 failed. Failure message: \nConnecting to the service https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server\n\n\nError - WMProxy Server Error\nProxy exception: the proxy has expired\nError code: SOAP-ENV:Server\n\n'
Works with long chain proxies (ggus ticket 79096)                     | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Failed to create a valid user proxy'
WMS-delegation :: WMS Delegation Test Suite                           | FAIL |
5 critical tests, 3 passed, 2 failed
5 tests total, 3 passed, 2 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Feedback - PASSED

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-feedback-test.html 
WMS-feedback-test :: Test the WMS limiter mechanism operation                 
Test WMS feedback feature                                             | PASS |
WMS-feedback-test :: Test the WMS limiter mechanism operation         | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Job cancel FAILED

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-job-cancel.html 
WMS-job-cancel :: WMS Job Cancel Test Suite                                   
Cancel Normal Job                                                     | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job status is wrong: Cleared'
Cancel DAG Job                                                        | PASS |
Cancel one node of a DAG Job                                          | FAIL |
RunCommandError: 'Command glite-wms-job-cancel failed. Check log file for details'
Cancel job collection                                                 | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job status is wrong: Cleared'
Cancel one node of a job collection                                   | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job status is wrong: Cleared'
Cancel parametric job                                                 | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job status is wrong: Done(Success)'
Cancel one node of a parametric job                                   | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job status is wrong: Running'
Cancel MPI job                                                        | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job status is wrong: Done(Exit Code !=0)'
Cancel a DONE OK job                                                  | PASS |
WMS-job-cancel :: WMS Job Cancel Test Suite                           | FAIL |
9 critical tests, 2 passed, 7 failed
9 tests total, 2 passed, 7 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Various tests - FAILED

[capannini@emitestbed54 WMSTaskIGIRTC168]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/wms_tests/testsuites/WMS-service/WMS-various-tests.html 
WMS-various-tests :: WMS Various Tests Test Suite                             
Test OSB truncation                                                   ........
 Test OSB truncation - CREAM 

Test OSB truncation                                                   | FAIL |
[u"Test OSB truncation - CREAM : Not found message 'OSB quota exceeded for' at UserTag: '\n===================== glite-wms-job-logging-info Success =====================\n\nLOGGING INFORMATION:\n\nPrinting info for the Job : https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/BFe7beG4eWqiIlDMxRF-5g\n \n\t---\nEvent: UserTag\n- Arrived                    =    Mon Dec  2 16:52:49 2013 CET\n- Host                       =    emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it\n- Level                      =    SYSTEM\n- Name                       =    CEInfoHostName\n- Priority                   =    synchronous\n- Seqcode                    =    UI=000000:NS=0000000004:WM=000003:BH=0000000000:JSS=000000:LM=000000:LRMS=000000:APP=000000:LBS=000000\n- Source                     =    WorkloadManager\n- Src instance               =    29856\n- Timestamp                  =    Mon Dec  2 16:52:49 2013 CET\n- User                       =    /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini/CN=proxy/CN=proxy\n- Value                      =    emi-demo13.cnaf.infn.it\n==========================================================================\n' does not contain 'OSB quota exceeded for'"]
Test drain operation                                                  | PASS |
Test usage of grid_monitor.sh script                                  | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Unable to find script /opt/lcg/sbin/grid_monitor.sh'
WMS-various-tests :: WMS Various Tests Test Suite                     | FAIL |
3 critical tests, 1 passed, 2 failed
3 tests total, 1 passed, 2 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/report.html

Regression Tests - SOME FAILURES

[capannini@emitestbed54 regression]$ pybot ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/regression_tests/testsuites/
Testsuites.100176 :: classad plugin functions are broken                      
bug 100176                                                            | PASS |
Testsuites.100176 :: classad plugin functions are broken              | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.27215 :: WM to set the maximum output sandbox size                 
[ WARN ] Job finishes with status Done(Success) cannont retrieve output       
bug 27215                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job finishes with status: Done(Success) cannot retrieve output'
Testsuites.27215 :: WM to set the maximum output sandbox size         | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.27899 :: VO override does not work with JdlDefaultAttributes       
bug 27899                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Error description => Authentication failed.'
Testsuites.27899 :: VO override does not work with JdlDefaultAttri... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.28235 :: Previously used CEs are not considered at all in the re...
bug 28235                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.28235 :: Previously used CEs are not considered at all ... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.28637 :: Delegation IDs not found when CREAM persistence storage...
bug 28637                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Error while executing remote command => mysql -u test --password=c6ocfai! delegationdb < /root/test.sql'
Testsuites.28637 :: Delegation IDs not found when CREAM persistenc... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.28642 :: User environment breaks WMS wrapper                       
bug 28642                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Timeout reached while waiting the job https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/LZww9H60dRgorz4VsnFp7Q to finish'
Testsuites.28642 :: User environment breaks WMS wrapper               | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.30896 :: WMS must limit number of files per sandbox                
bug 30896                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.30896 :: WMS must limit number of files per sandbox        | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.30900 :: MinPerusalTimeInterval default is too low                 
bug 30900                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.30900 :: MinPerusalTimeInterval default is too low         | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.31012 :: WMS Client does not print properly WMProxy server version 
bug 31012                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 18:18:04 -I- PID: 31439 (Debug) - Vo read from proxy certificate extension\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 18:18:04 -I- PID: 31439 (Debug) - VirtualOrganisation value : testers.eu-emi.eu\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 18:18:04 -I- PID: 31439 (Debug) - Loaded user configuration file:\n /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/regression/regression-tests_Testsuites.31012_20131202181804/wms.conf\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 18:18:04 -I- PID: 31439 (Debug) - Configuration file: //etc/glite-wms/testers.eu-emi.eu/glite_wmsui.conf - VirtualOrganisation, MyProxyServer attribute(s) no more supported outside JDL Default Attributes section "JdlDefaultAttributes"\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 18:18:04 -I- PID: 31439 (Debug) - Loaded Vo specific configuration file:\n //etc/glite-wms/testers.eu-emi.eu/glite_wmsui.conf\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 18:18:04 -I- PID: 31439 (Debug) - Loaded Configuration values: \n [\n  JdlDefaultAttributes = \n   [\n    SignificantAttributes = { "Requirements","Rank" }; \n    VirtualOrganisation = "testers.eu-emi.eu"; \n    Rank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; \n    Requirements = other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Production"\n   ]; \n  OutputStorage = "/tmp/jobOutput"; \n  ListenerStorage = "/tmp"; \n  ErrorStorage = "/tmp"; \n  WmProxyEndPoints = { "https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server" }\n ]\n-----------------------------------------\n\nWMS User Interface version  3.5.1\nCopyright (C) 2008 by ElsagDatamat SpA\n\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 18:18:04 -I- PID: 31439 (Debug) - Getting Endpoint URL from configuration file \n-----------------------------------------\n\nConnecting to the service https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server\n\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 18:18:04 -I- PID: 31439 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy getVersion service\n-----------------------------------------\n\nConnection failed: CA certificate verification failed\n\n\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 18:18:07 -I- PID: 31439 (Debug) - Skip Service Discovery query: disabled by user configuration settings \n-----------------------------------------\n\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n\n\nPossible Errors and Debug messages have been printed in the following file:\n/tmp/glite-wms-job-submit_501_31439_20131202_18-18-04.log\n'
Testsuites.31012 :: WMS Client does not print properly WMProxy ser... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.31278 :: WMS should prevent non-SDJ jobs from being scheduled on...
bug 31278                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.31278 :: WMS should prevent non-SDJ jobs from being sch... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.31669 :: org.glite.jdl.api-cpp: defaultNode[Shallow]RetryCount a...
bug 31669                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.31669 :: org.glite.jdl.api-cpp: defaultNode[Shallow]Ret... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.32078 :: Problem with GangMatching statement involving GlueSEStatus
bug 32078                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "lcg-infosites: no BDII could be contacted\nlcg-infosites: last BDII tried was 'certtbrc-bdii.cern.ch:2170'\nlcg-infosites: IO::Socket::INET: Bad hostname 'certtbrc-bdii.cern.ch:2170'"
Testsuites.32078 :: Problem with GangMatching statement involving ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.32611 :: JobController logfile name is misspelled                  
bug 32611                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.32611 :: JobController logfile name is misspelled          | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.34420 :: WMS Client: glite-wms-job-submit option --valid does no...
bug 34420                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.34420 :: WMS Client: glite-wms-job-submit option --vali... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.34508 :: Any collection submitted while the WMS is down is not r...
bug 34508                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "Job not finished successfully. Job final status is 'Done(Success)' instead of 'Done (Success)'"
Testsuites.34508 :: Any collection submitted while the WMS is down... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.35250 :: DAG: glite_wms_wmproxy_dirmanager does not extract link...
bug 35250                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Timeout reached while waiting the job https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/kgz416Dd0GXdcolPjJpTJw to finish'
Testsuites.35250 :: DAG: glite_wms_wmproxy_dirmanager does not ext... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.36145 :: Jobdir support to be enabled in the glite-wms-planner     
bug 36145                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Error while edit file /etc/glite-wms/glite_wms.conf at remote host'
Testsuites.36145 :: Jobdir support to be enabled in the glite-wms-... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.36292 :: Not all attributes of a SA/SE coul be used in a gangmat...
bug 36292                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "lcg-infosites: no BDII could be contacted\nlcg-infosites: last BDII tried was 'certtbrc-bdii.cern.ch:2170'\nlcg-infosites: IO::Socket::INET: Bad hostname 'certtbrc-bdii.cern.ch:2170'"
Testsuites.36292 :: Not all attributes of a SA/SE coul be used in ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.36536 :: The glite wms purge storage library should rely on LBPr...
bug 36536                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'To verify this bug it is necessary to set WMS_USERNAME,WMS_PASSWORD,USERNAME and PASSWORD in the configuration file'
Testsuites.36536 :: The glite wms purge storage library should rel... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.38359 :: Title: Some issues in the limit for the output sandbox ...
[ WARN ] Job finishes with status Done(Success) cannont retrieve output       
bug 38359                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job finishes with status: Done(Success) cannot retrieve output'
Testsuites.38359 :: Title: Some issues in the limit for the output... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.38739 :: WMProxy Server: doesn't allow exec if there's only user...
bug 38739                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nConnecting to the service https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server\n\n\nConnection failed: CA certificate verification failed\n\n\n\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.38739 :: WMProxy Server: doesn't allow exec if there's ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.40982 :: When a collection is aborted the "Abort" event should b...
bug 40982                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "\nError - \nInputSandbox: Specified path 'data/Test.sh' is missing\n"
Testsuites.40982 :: When a collection is aborted the "Abort" event... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.44599 :: WMS should consider MaxTotalJobs                          
bug 44599                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "\nError - \nInputSandbox: Specified path 'data/input1.txt' is missing\n"
Testsuites.44599 :: WMS should consider MaxTotalJobs                  | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.45883 :: Optimization of resubmission                              
bug 45883                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.45883 :: Optimization of resubmission                      | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.48068 :: [wms] GlueServiceStatusInfo content is ugly               
bug 48068                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "Test failed, command's output wasn't as expected"
Testsuites.48068 :: [wms] GlueServiceStatusInfo content is ugly       | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.48636 :: job wrapper should log events for truncated files         
bug 48636                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "Not found message 'OSB quota exceeded for' at UserTag"
Testsuites.48636 :: job wrapper should log events for truncated files | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.50009 :: wmproxy.gacl person record allows anyone to pass          
bug 50009                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.50009 :: wmproxy.gacl person record allows anyone to pass  | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.52617 :: [yaim-wms] yaim changes ownership of /var                 
bug 52617                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Error while executing remote command => ls -l /home/glite'
Testsuites.52617 :: [yaim-wms] yaim changes ownership of /var         | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.53294 :: WMS 3.2 WMProxy logs are useless below level 6            
bug 53294                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.53294 :: WMS 3.2 WMProxy logs are useless below level 6    | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.54728 :: WMP finds FQAN inconsistency only if GROUPS are differe...
bug 54728                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Your identity: /C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Personal Certificate/L=CNAF/CN=Fabio Capannini\nCreating temporary proxy .......................................................................................................................................... Done\nContacting  emitestbed01.cnaf.infn.it:15002 [/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/CN=emitestbed01.cnaf.infn.it] "testers.eu-emi.eu" Failed\n\nError: testers.eu-emi.eu: Unable to satisfy B/testers.eu-emi.eu:pilot Request!\n\nTrying next server for testers.eu-emi.eu.\nCreating temporary proxy ................................................................................................................................ Done\nContacting  emitestbed07.cnaf.infn.it:15002 [/C=IT/O=INFN/OU=Host/L=CNAF/CN=emitestbed07.cnaf.infn.it] "testers.eu-emi.eu" Failed\n\nError: testers.eu-emi.eu: Unable to satisfy B/testers.eu-emi.eu:pilot Request!\n\nNone of the contacted servers for testers.eu-emi.eu were capable\nof returning a valid AC for the user.'
Testsuites.54728 :: WMP finds FQAN inconsistency only if GROUPS ar... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.55814 :: the amount of information logged to the LB needs to be ...
bug 55814                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Error while executing remote command => ls -l /var/jobcontrol/submit/QX'
Testsuites.55814 :: the amount of information logged to the LB nee... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.56734 :: ListMatch should consider also SDJ specification          
bug 56734                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Timeout reached while waiting the job https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:9000/wWwBguRBNzLzMHdNbBvYSw to finish'
Testsuites.56734 :: ListMatch should consider also SDJ specification  | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.58878 :: Request for a feature allowing propagation of generic p...
[ WARN ] Error !!! Matching CE is                                             
bug 58878                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Cancel not allowed\nCurrent Job Status is Aborted\n'
Testsuites.58878 :: Request for a feature allowing propagation of ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.58968 :: Request for handling SMPGranularity attribute in the JDL  
bug 58968                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.58968 :: Request for handling SMPGranularity attribute ... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.61315 :: [ yaim-wms ] CeForwardParameters should include several...
bug 61315                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.61315 :: [ yaim-wms ] CeForwardParameters should includ... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.62211 :: [ yaim-wms ] Enable Glue 2.0 publishing                   
bug 62211                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'sh: svn: command not found'
Testsuites.62211 :: [ yaim-wms ] Enable Glue 2.0 publishing           | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.64416 :: The proxycache purger needs to be made compatible with ...
bug 64416                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Unable to find any expired proxy to test the proxycache purger operation'
Testsuites.64416 :: The proxycache purger needs to be made compati... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.67489 :: WMS needs cron job to kill stale GridFTP processes        
bug 67489                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.67489 :: WMS needs cron job to kill stale GridFTP proce... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.68944 :: Bug in ICE's start/stop script                            
bug 68944                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.68944 :: Bug in ICE's start/stop script                    | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.70061 :: WMS hates collections with 192 nodes!                     
bug 70061                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.70061 :: WMS hates collections with 192 nodes!             | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.70331 :: glite-wms-create-proxy "ambiguous redirect"               
bug 70331                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.70331 :: glite-wms-create-proxy "ambiguous redirect"       | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.70824 :: Environment values in JDL cannot have spaces              
[ WARN ] Job finishes with status Done(Success) cannont retrieve output       
bug 70824                                                             
 Test for CE: /cream- 

bug 70824                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job finishes with status: Done(Success) cannot retrieve output'
Testsuites.70824 :: Environment values in JDL cannot have spaces      | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.71863 :: JobWrapper tries to use "test -eq" for string comparison  
bug 71863                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.71863 :: JobWrapper tries to use "test -eq" for string ... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.72280 :: WMProxy limiter should log more at info level             
bug 72280                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Error while transfer file /var/log/wms/wmproxy.log from remote host'
Testsuites.72280 :: WMProxy limiter should log more at info level     | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.73192 :: Submission failed due to a credential problem             
bug 73192                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.73192 :: Submission failed due to a credential problem     | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.73699 :: Wrong retry count computation                             
bug 73699                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.73699 :: Wrong retry count computation                     | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.73711 :: edg_wll_SetLoggingJobProxy with empty sequence code ret...
[ WARN ] To verify this bug you need a WMS set in proxy mode only             
bug 73711                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.73711 :: edg_wll_SetLoggingJobProxy with empty sequence... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.73715 :: Missing ReallyRunning event from LogMonitor               
bug 73715                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.73715 :: Missing ReallyRunning event from LogMonitor       | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.74259 :: Previous matches information is not taken into account ...
bug 74259                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.74259 :: Previous matches information is not taken into... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.74577 :: Wrong counter in ICE database is set at the job creation  
bug 74577                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.74577 :: Wrong counter in ICE database is set at the jo... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.74832 :: Files specified with absolute paths shouldn't be used w...
bug 74832                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 23:22:49 -I- PID: 31228 (Debug) - Vo read from proxy certificate extension\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 23:22:49 -I- PID: 31228 (Debug) - VirtualOrganisation value : testers.eu-emi.eu\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 23:22:49 -I- PID: 31228 (Debug) - Loaded user configuration file:\n /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/regression/regression-tests_Testsuites.74832_20131202232249/wms.conf\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 23:22:49 -I- PID: 31228 (Debug) - Configuration file: //etc/glite-wms/testers.eu-emi.eu/glite_wmsui.conf - VirtualOrganisation, MyProxyServer attribute(s) no more supported outside JDL Default Attributes section "JdlDefaultAttributes"\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 23:22:49 -I- PID: 31228 (Debug) - Loaded Vo specific configuration file:\n //etc/glite-wms/testers.eu-emi.eu/glite_wmsui.conf\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 23:22:49 -I- PID: 31228 (Debug) - Loaded Configuration values: \n [\n  JdlDefaultAttributes = \n   [\n    SignificantAttributes = { "Requirements","Rank" }; \n    VirtualOrganisation = "testers.eu-emi.eu"; \n    Rank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; \n    Requirements = oth...
    [ Message content over the limit has been removed. ]
...tput.out","error.err","fstab","grid-mapfile","groupmapfile","passwd" }; InputSandbox = { "file:///etc/fstab","grid-mapfile","groupmapfile","gsiftp://emitestbed41.cnaf.infn.it/etc/passwd" }; StdError = "error.err"; InputSandboxBaseURI = "gsiftp://emitestbed41.cnaf.infn.it/etc/grid-security/"; rank =  -other.GlueCEStateEstimatedResponseTime; requirements = other.GlueCEStateStatus == "Production" ]\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 23:22:49 -I- PID: 31228 (Debug) - Registering the job to the service https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server\n-----------------------------------------\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 23:22:49 -I- PID: 31228 (Debug) - Calling the WMProxy jobRegister service\n-----------------------------------------\n\nWarning - Unable to register the job to the service: https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server\nSystem load is too high:\nThreshold for Load Average(1 min): 0.0001 => Detected value for Load Average(1 min):  0.13\n\nError code: SOAP-ENV:Server\n\n-----------------------------------------\n02 Dec 2013, 23:22:50 -I- PID: 31228 (Debug) - Skip Service Discovery query: disabled by user configuration settings \n-----------------------------------------\n\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n\n\nPossible Errors and Debug messages have been printed in the following file:\n/tmp/glite-wms-job-submit_501_31228_20131202_23-22-49.log\n'
Testsuites.74832 :: Files specified with absolute paths shouldn't ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.75223 :: wrong reason logged                                       
bug 75223                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.75223 :: wrong reason logged                               | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.75368 :: ICE should log a DONE_FAILED to LB every time the job i...
bug 75368                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.75368 :: ICE should log a DONE_FAILED to LB every time ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.75802 :: Title: Too much flexibility in JDL syntax                 
bug 75802                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Inserting {"FOO=bar"}\n\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.75802 :: Title: Too much flexibility in JDL syntax         | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.77004 :: Wrong myproxyserver string processing in ICE              
bug 77004                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.77004 :: Wrong myproxyserver string processing in ICE      | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.77055 :: "MyProxyServer: wrong type caught for attribute" for pa...
bug 77055                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.77055 :: "MyProxyServer: wrong type caught for attribut... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.77694 :: Resource BDII for WMS needs to be revisit                 
bug 77694                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.77694 :: Resource BDII for WMS needs to be revisit         | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.77876 :: While purging DAGs/Collections the CLEAR event is only ...
bug 77876                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.77876 :: While purging DAGs/Collections the CLEAR event... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.78047 :: LB Query timeout                                          
bug 78047                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.78047 :: LB Query timeout                                  | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.78406 :: [ yaim-wms ] yaim should set IsmIiLDAPCEFilterExt accor...
bug 78406                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.78406 :: [ yaim-wms ] yaim should set IsmIiLDAPCEFilter... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.78484 :: [ YAIM_WMS ] Multiple parameter configuration added in ...
bug 78484                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Error while executing remote command => cat /opt/condor-c/local.emitestbed44/condor_config.local'
Testsuites.78484 :: [ YAIM_WMS ] Multiple parameter configuration ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.79141 :: various bugs about parametric jobs                        
bug 79141                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "\nError - \nInputSandbox: Specified path 'data/79141/Test0' is missing\n"
Testsuites.79141 :: various bugs about parametric jobs                | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.81376 :: glite-wms-wmproxy.restart.cron MUST support graceful wm...
bug 81376                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.81376 :: glite-wms-wmproxy.restart.cron MUST support gr... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.81568 :: some inconsistencies in locations for logs and configur...
bug 81568                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Error !!! Environment  variable WMS_LOCATION_LOG is /var/log/wms instead of /var/log/glite'
Testsuites.81568 :: some inconsistencies in locations for logs and... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.81651 :: Cancellation of a dag's node doesn't work                 
bug 81651                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.81651 :: Cancellation of a dag's node doesn't work         | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.82687 :: EMI WMS problems with ISB tar file handling               
bug 82687                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.82687 :: EMI WMS problems with ISB tar file handling       | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.82776 :: Typo in WMS jobwrapper                                    
bug 82776                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.82776 :: Typo in WMS jobwrapper                            | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.82983 :: [yaim-wms] authorization problem in WMS EMI-1             
bug 82983                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.82983 :: [yaim-wms] authorization problem in WMS EMI-1     | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.82995 :: glite-wms-job-status needs a json-compliant format        
bug 82995                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.82995 :: glite-wms-job-status needs a json-compliant fo... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.83062 :: [yaim-wms] A different template should be used for glue...
bug 83062                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'sh: svn: command not found'
Testsuites.83062 :: [yaim-wms] A different template should be used... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.83453 :: Deregistration of a proxy (2)                             
bug 83453                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.83453 :: Deregistration of a proxy (2)                     | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.84155 :: Internal proxy structure convertion error in ICE          
bug 84155                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.84155 :: Internal proxy structure convertion error in ICE  | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.84839 :: Last LB event logged by ICE when job aborted for proxy ...
bug 84839                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.84839 :: Last LB event logged by ICE when job aborted f... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.85071 :: Wmproxy authorization breaks with longer proxy chain      
bug 85071                                                             ...Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Second signal will force exit.

 Interactive test 

bug 85071                                                             | FAIL |
Execution terminated by signal

[capannini@emitestbed54 regression]$ pybot -e 100176 -e 27215 -e 27899 -e 28235 -e 28637 -e 28642 -e 30896 -e 30900 -e 31012 -e 31278 -e 31669 -e 32078 -e 32611 -e 34420 -e 34508 -e 35250 -e 36145 -e 36292 -e 36536 -e 38359 -e 38739 -e 40982 -e 44599 -e 45883 -e 48068 -e 48636 -e 50009 -e 52617 -e 53294 -e 54728 -e 55814 -e 56734 -e 58878 -e 58968 -e 61315 -e 62211 -e 64416 -e 67489 -e 68944 -e 70061 -e 70331 -e 70824 -e 71863 -e 72280 -e 73192 -e 73699 -e 73711 -e 73715 -e 74259 -e 74577 -e 74832 -e 75223 -e 75368 -e 75802 -e 77004 -e 77055 -e 77694 -e 77876 -e 78047 -e 78406 -e 78484 -e 79141 -e 81376 -e 81568 -e 81651 -e 82687 -e 82776 -e 82983 -e 82995 -e 83062 -e 83453 -e 84155 -e 84839 ~/git/WMS-Test-Suite/robot_testsuites/regression_tests/testsuites/
Testsuites.62211 :: [ yaim-wms ] Enable Glue 2.0 publishing                   
bug 62211                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'sh: svn: command not found'
Testsuites.62211 :: [ yaim-wms ] Enable Glue 2.0 publishing           | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.85071 :: Wmproxy authorization breaks with longer proxy chain      
bug 85071                                                             ...Enter GRID pass phrase for this identity:
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Verifying - Enter MyProxy pass phrase:
Enter MyProxy pass phrase:

 Interactive test 

bug 85071                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.85071 :: Wmproxy authorization breaks with longer proxy... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.85327 :: [yaim-wms] yaim changes ownership of /var                 
bug 85327                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.85327 :: [yaim-wms] yaim changes ownership of /var         | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.85799 :: [ yaim-wms ] yaim should set IsmIiLDAPCEFilterExt accor...
bug 85799                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Unable to find wmproxy-api-cpp.pc file'
Testsuites.85799 :: [ yaim-wms ] yaim should set IsmIiLDAPCEFilter... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.86267 :: queryDb has 2 bugs handling user options (see ggus tick...
bug 86267                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.86267 :: queryDb has 2 bugs handling user options (see ... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.86485 :: ICE doesn't send the iceId to CREAM                       
[ WARN ] To verify this bug you need access to a CREAM CE and to WMS          
bug 86485                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'To verify this bug it is necessary to set WMS_USERNAME,WMS_PASSWORD,OTHER_HOST,USERNAME and PASSWORD in the configuration file'
Testsuites.86485 :: ICE doesn't send the iceId to CREAM               | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.86490 :: EMI WMS stops accepting jobs after 31999th submission f...
bug 86490                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.86490 :: EMI WMS stops accepting jobs after 31999th sub... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.86682 :: [yaim-wms] yaim changes ownership of /var                 
bug 86682                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.86682 :: [yaim-wms] yaim changes ownership of /var         | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.87259 :: WMS purger leaves sandboxes untouched in case LB status...
bug 87259                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.87259 :: WMS purger leaves sandboxes untouched in case ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.87261 :: WMproxy GACLs do not support wildcards (as they used to...
bug 87261                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nConnecting to the service https://emitestbed44.cnaf.infn.it:7443/glite_wms_wmproxy_server\n\n\nConnection failed: CA certificate verification failed\n\n\n\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.87261 :: WMproxy GACLs do not support wildcards (as the... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.87444 :: glite-wms-job-list-match --help show an un-implemented ...
bug 87444                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.87444 :: glite-wms-job-list-match --help show an un-imp... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.87994 :: yaim-wms doesn't fill the attributes get_acbr and get_o...
bug 87994                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'To verify this bug it is necessary to set the YAIM_FILE in the configuration file'
Testsuites.87994 :: yaim-wms doesn't fill the attributes get_acbr ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.88072 :: EMI-1 WMS cannot submit to ARC CEs                        
bug 88072                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.88072 :: EMI-1 WMS cannot submit to ARC CEs                | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.88128 :: Submission with rfc proxy doesn't work                    
bug 88128                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.88128 :: Submission with rfc proxy doesn't work            | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.88450 :: Ice configuration section doesn't use environment variable
bug 88450                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Problem with the following attributes in the ICE section:set([\'ice_host_cert   =   "${GLITE_HOST_CERT};\', \'ice_host_cert   =   "${GLITE_HOST_CERT}";\', \'ice_host_key   =   "${GLITE_HOST_KEY}";\', \'ice_host_key   =   "${GLITE_HOST_KEY};\'])'
Testsuites.88450 :: Ice configuration section doesn't use environm... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.88558 :: WM creates submit requests with old sequence code upon ...
bug 88558                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.88558 :: WM creates submit requests with old sequence c... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.88569 :: WMS: LCMAPS should log on file only and not on syslog     
bug 88569                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Error while executing remote command => ls -l /var/log/glite/lcmaps.log'
Testsuites.88569 :: WMS: LCMAPS should log on file only and not on... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.89435 :: GlueServiceStatusInfo: ??                                 
bug 89435                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.89435 :: GlueServiceStatusInfo: ??                         | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.89506 :: EMI WMS wmproxy rpm doesn't set execution permissions a...
bug 89506                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "Test failed, execution permissions haven't been set correctly."
Testsuites.89506 :: EMI WMS wmproxy rpm doesn't set execution perm... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.89508 :: EMI WMS WM might abort resubmitted jobs                   
bug 89508                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "lcg-infosites: no BDII could be contacted\nlcg-infosites: last BDII tried was 'certtbrc-bdii.cern.ch:2170'\nlcg-infosites: IO::Socket::INET: Bad hostname 'certtbrc-bdii.cern.ch:2170'"
Testsuites.89508 :: EMI WMS WM might abort resubmitted jobs           | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.89577 :: EMI WMS wmproxy init.d script stop/start problems         
bug 89577                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "Restart command for workload manager proxy don't restart httpd. pids before: 26354 , 27135 , 27136 , 27137 , 27138 , 27139 , 27140 , pids after: 26354 , 27780 , 27781 , 27782 , 27783 , 27784 , 27785"
Testsuites.89577 :: EMI WMS wmproxy init.d script stop/start problems | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.89674 :: glite-wms-check-daemons.sh should not restart daemons u...
bug 89674                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: "glite-wms-check-daemons.sh script didn't restart workload manager"
Testsuites.89674 :: glite-wms-check-daemons.sh should not restart ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.89857 :: Wrong location for PID file                               
bug 89857                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Error while executing remote command => ls /tmp/*.pid'
Testsuites.89857 :: Wrong location for PID file                       | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.89871 :: WMS logs should keep track of the last 90 days            
bug 89871                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.89871 :: WMS logs should keep track of the last 90 days    | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.90034 :: LB failover mechanism in WMproxy needs to be reviewed     
bug 90034                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.90034 :: LB failover mechanism in WMproxy needs to be r... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.90129 :: yaim-wms creates wms.proxy in wrong path                  
bug 90129                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.90129 :: yaim-wms creates wms.proxy in wrong path          | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.90640 :: cron job deletes /var/proxycache                          
bug 90640                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.90640 :: cron job deletes /var/proxycache                  | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.90760 :: yaim-wms changes for Argus based authZ                    
bug 90760                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'To verify this bug it is necessary to set the YAIM_FILE in the configuration file'
Testsuites.90760 :: yaim-wms changes for Argus based authZ            | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.90830 :: ICE should use env vars in its configuration              
bug 90830                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Problem with the following attributes in the ICE section:set([\'ice_host_cert   =   "${GLITE_HOST_CERT};\', \'ice_host_cert   =   "${GLITE_HOST_CERT}";\', \'ice_host_key   =   "${GLITE_HOST_KEY}";\', \'ice_host_key   =   "${GLITE_HOST_KEY};\'])'
Testsuites.90830 :: ICE should use env vars in its configuration      | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.91078 :: ICE log verbosity should be reduced to 300                
bug 91078                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Test failed, ICE log verbosity is not 300 as expected but 700'
Testsuites.91078 :: ICE log verbosity should be reduced to 300        | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.91115 :: Make some WMS init scripts System V compatible            
bug 91115                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.91115 :: Make some WMS init scripts System V compatible    | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.91484 :: move lcmaps.log from /var/log/glite to WMS_LOCATION_LOG   
bug 91484                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Test failed, find lcmaps.log file at directory /var/log/glite'
Testsuites.91484 :: move lcmaps.log from /var/log/glite to WMS_LOC... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.91486 :: WMS: use logrotate uniformly in ice,lm,jc,wm,wmp          
bug 91486                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.91486 :: WMS: use logrotate uniformly in ice,lm,jc,wm,wmp  | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.91488 :: remove several dismissed parameters from the WMS config...
bug 91488                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.91488 :: remove several dismissed parameters from the W... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.91563 :: yaim-wms: set ldap query filter expression for GLUE2 in...
bug 91563                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.91563 :: yaim-wms: set ldap query filter expression for... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.91834 :: Pid file of ICE and WM has glite ownership                
bug 91834                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.91834 :: Pid file of ICE and WM has glite ownership        | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.91875 :: EMI WMS does not use grid_monitor                         
bug 91875                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Unable to find script /opt/lcg/sbin/grid_monitor.sh'
Testsuites.91875 :: EMI WMS does not use grid_monitor                 | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.91941 :: The job replanner should be configurable                  
bug 91941                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job replanner is not in action as expected'
Testsuites.91941 :: The job replanner should be configurable          | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.92657 :: some sensible information should be logged on syslog      
bug 92657                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.92657 :: some sensible information should be logged on ... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.92922 :: EMI-1 WMS does not propagate user job exit code           
bug 92922                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.92922 :: EMI-1 WMS does not propagate user job exit code   | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.94683 :: Better output message from glite-wms-job-status for mis...
bug 94683                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.94683 :: Better output message from glite-wms-job-statu... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.95584 :: glite-wms-ice-proxy-renew can block undefinitely          
bug 95584                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.95584 :: glite-wms-ice-proxy-renew can block undefinitely  | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.96136 :: WMS stops accepting submissions when no swap is available 
bug 96136                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Job submission failed'
Testsuites.96136 :: WMS stops accepting submissions when no swap i... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.97319 :: Set asyncjobstart=false to avoid lost jobs                
bug 97319                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.97319 :: Set asyncjobstart=false to avoid lost jobs        | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.98279 :: Job perusal is broken in EMI-2 WMS                        
bug 98279                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.98279 :: Job perusal is broken in EMI-2 WMS                | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.98524 :: glite-wms-job-output requires a valid delegated proxy o...
bug 98524                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: '\nError - Operation failed\nUnable to find any endpoint where to perform service request\n'
Testsuites.98524 :: glite-wms-job-output requires a valid delegate... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.98724 :: Title: ICE removes its pid file at the start() instead ...
bug 98724                                                             | PASS |
Testsuites.98724 :: Title: ICE removes its pid file at the start()... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites.99017 :: wmproxy init script 'status' does not return error when...
bug 99017                                                             | FAIL |
GeneralError: 'Return value of wmproxy init script is 0 instead of 1 as expected'
Testsuites.99017 :: wmproxy init script 'status' does not return e... | FAIL |
1 critical test, 0 passed, 1 failed
1 test total, 0 passed, 1 failed
Testsuites.Task23845 :: Semi-automated service backends configuration for WMS 
task 23845                                                            | PASS |
Testsuites.Task23845 :: Semi-automated service backends configurat... | PASS |
1 critical test, 1 passed, 0 failed
1 test total, 1 passed, 0 failed
Testsuites                                                            | FAIL |
49 critical tests, 17 passed, 32 failed
49 tests total, 17 passed, 32 failed
Output:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/regression/output.xml
Log:     /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/regression/log.html
Report:  /home/capannini/certificazione/WMSTaskIGIRTC168/regression/report.html

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
Compressed Zip archivetgz cancel.tgz manage 143.4 K 2013-12-02 - 15:52 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz config.tgz manage 116.9 K 2013-12-02 - 15:16 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz deleg.tgz manage 126.0 K 2013-12-02 - 15:23 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz feedback.tgz manage 128.0 K 2013-12-02 - 15:35 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz jdl.compound.tgz manage 234.1 K 2013-11-29 - 09:24 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz jdl.tgz manage 175.1 K 2013-11-28 - 14:21 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz jobcycle.log.tgz manage 178.5 K 2013-11-27 - 16:27 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz limiter.tgz manage 135.6 K 2013-11-29 - 14:29 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz list.tgz manage 118.7 K 2013-11-29 - 14:35 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz prologue-epilogue.tgz manage 126.8 K 2013-11-29 - 14:51 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz proxy-renewal.tgz manage 129.8 K 2013-12-02 - 10:41 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz purger.tgz manage 135.2 K 2013-12-02 - 15:13 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz regression.1.tgz manage 189.6 K 2013-12-05 - 10:20 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz regression.tgz manage 527.1 K 2013-12-05 - 08:57 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz resub.tgz manage 124.5 K 2013-11-29 - 14:25 FabioCapannini  
Compressed Zip archivetgz various.tgz manage 132.3 K 2013-12-02 - 16:06 FabioCapannini  
Texttxt wms_3_6_2_install_sl5.txt manage 207.9 K 2013-11-25 - 11:46 CristinaAiftimiei Install&Update WMS 3.6.2
Texttxt wms_3_6_2_install_sl6.txt manage 359.2 K 2013-11-25 - 11:46 CristinaAiftimiei Install&Update WMS 3.6.2
Texttxt wms_3_6_2_update_sl5.txt manage 219.4 K 2013-11-25 - 11:46 CristinaAiftimiei Install&Update WMS 3.6.2
Texttxt wms_3_6_2_update_sl6.txt manage 363.8 K 2013-11-25 - 11:46 CristinaAiftimiei Install&Update WMS 3.6.2
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Topic revision: r12 - 2013-12-09 - FabioCapannini
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