8th February '10 - "Grid-enabled SDI" [[http://www.envirogrids.net/][enviroGRIDS] Meeting, presentation about "Grid-enabled SDI architecture design" held by Stefano Nativi - CNR
The purpose of the G-OWS WG is to provide an open forum to design and work out a reference architecture and implementation of the OGC Web Services (OWS) on the top of the gLite grid middleware.
This working group is comprised of international organizations which have been developing OGC Web services to implement SDI capabilities on existing Grid infrastructures.
G-OWS Business Goals
The primary goals for G-OWS in the area of OWS are to:
Contribute to the OGC-OGF initiative by collecting/coordinating experiences on the enablement of OGC Web Services (OWS) on the gLite Grid middleware;
Build upon the existing OGC specs (they play a fundamental role in geospatial information sharing, e.g. in INSPIRE IR, GEOSS architecture, GMES-HMA) and gLite which is the Grid middleware developed in the EGEE Projects (proven stability and scalability), widespread;
Release a reference implementation as standard gLite APIs (under the gLite software license);
Release a reference model (including procedures and guidelines) for OWS Grid-ification, as far as gLite is concerned;
Foster and promote the formation of consortiums for participation to projects/initiatives aimed at building Grid-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructures providing high-level, added-value services to selected scientific communities and government organizations.