Welcome to the CREAM web
The CREAM (Computing Resource Execution And Management) Service is a simple, lightweight service for job management operation at the Computing Element (CE) level.
CREAM accepts job submission requests and other job management requests (e.g. job cancellation, job monitoring, etc).
CREAM can be used by Workload Management Systems (e.g. DIRAC), or by a generic client, e.g. an end-user willing to directly submit jobs to a CREAM CE. For the latter user case a command line interface (CLI) is available.
CREAM exposes a web service interface.
CREAM will be supported by INFN (in the context of the H2020 EOSC-Hub project) with bug fixes and security fixes until the end of 2020.
Please refer to the top menu or here to access the available documentation on CREAM
CREAM Web Utilities