The EMIR configuration for CREAM
EMIR-SERP allows CREAM to publish all its relevant information already available in the local resource BDII to a specified
EMI Registry (EMIR) DSR.
The configuration can be explained by simple steps:
- check if the resource BDII is up and running by executing
ldapsearch -x -h localhost -p 2170 -b 'GLUE2GroupID=resource,o=glue' objectCLass=GLUE2Service
the command should list the CREAM service(s) installed on the machine. If this is not the case, please check the CREAM configuration
- install the emir-serp
sudo yum install emir-serp
- edit the configuration file /etc/emi/emir-serp/emir-serp.ini, providing the URL for the EMIR DSR and the URL for the resource BDII
url =
resource_bdii_url = ldap://localhost:2170/GLUE2GroupID=resource,o=glue
- you can change the update interval
# Period of registration/update messages
# Mandatory configuration parameter
# Value is given in hours
period = 1
- and the time EMIR will be told to consider the information valid
# Time of registration entry validity
# Mandatory configuration parameter
# Value is given in hours
validity = 2
- you might want to set the logging level to debug the first time you start the service
verbosity = debug
- start the service
sudo service emir-serp start
- check the log file for an entry like
2013-01-09 12:49:22,359 DEBUG EMIR service on url '' is running since Mon Nov 26 14:09:35 CET 2012
2013-01-09 12:49:22,359 DEBUG Daemon starting...
2013-01-09 12:49:22,373 DEBUG Daemon started
2013-01-09 12:49:22,373 DEBUG Registering service entries
2013-01-09 12:49:22,374 DEBUG Retrieving data from ldap://localhost:2170/GLUE2GroupID=resource,o=glue
2013-01-09 12:49:22,394 DEBUG REGISTRATION: Endpoint ID: cream-27.pd.infn.it_org.glite.ce.CREAM; URL:
2013-01-09 12:49:22,394 DEBUG REGISTRATION: Endpoint ID: cream-27.pd.infn.it_ComputingElement_org.glite.ce.ApplicationPublisher_1068561884; URL: gsi
It is recommended to set back the logging level to error and restart the service.
- stopping emier-serp will cause the entry to be deleted from the registry.
LisaZangrando - 2013-01-09